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February 26, 2010

New report detailing high percentage of inmates with substance abuse problems

This new press releases from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University reports on a new study concerning crime, prisoners and addictions.  Here in how the press release starts:

Of the 2.3 million inmates crowding our nations prisons and jails, 1.5 million meet the DSM IV medical criteria for substance abuse or addiction, and another 458,000, while not meeting the strict DSM IV criteria, had histories of substance abuse; were under the influence of alcohol or other drugs at the time of their crime; committed their offense to get money to buy drugs; were incarcerated for an alcohol or drug law violation; or shared some combination of these characteristics, according to Behind Bars II: Substance Abuse and America’s Prison Population. Combined these two groups constitute 85 percent of the U.S. prison population.

The new 144-page report released today by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University also reveals that alcohol and other drugs are significant factors in all crime. In 2006, alcohol and other drugs were involved in these inmate offenses:

  • 78 percent of violent crimes;
  • 83 percent of property crimes; and
  • 77 percent of public order, immigration or weapon offenses; and probation/parole violations.

The CASA report found that only 11 percent of all inmates with substance abuse and addiction disorders receive any treatment during their incarceration. The report found that if all inmates who needed treatment and aftercare received such services, the nation would break even in a year if just over 10 percent remained substance and crime free and employed. Thereafter, for each inmate who remained sober, employed and crime free the nation would reap an economic benefit of $90,953 per year.

“States complain mightily about their rising prison costs; yet they continue to hemorrhage public funds that could be saved if they provided treatment to inmates with alcohol and other drug problems and stepped up use of drug courts and prosecutorial drug treatment alternative programs,” said Susan E. Foster, CASA’s Vice President and Director of Policy Research and Analysis.

Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA’s Chairman and President and former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, called the nation’s current prison policies, “Inane and inhuman. Between 1996 and 2006, the U.S. population grew by 12 percent. Over that same period, the number of adults incarcerated grew by 33 percent to 2.3 million inmates and the number of inmates who either met the DSM IV medical criteria for alcohol or other drug abuse and addiction or were otherwise substance involved shot up by 43 percent to 1.9 million inmates. The tragedy is that we know how to sharply reduce the costs of incarceration and the crimes committed by substance-involved offenders.”

The report also noted that in 2005, federal, state and local governments spent $74 billion on incarceration, court proceedings, probation and parole for substance-involved adult and juvenile offenders and less than one percent of that amount -- $632 million -- on prevention and treatment for them.

February 26, 2010 at 06:08 PM | Permalink


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The above report seeks massive government funded treatment programs. 123D is much cheaper and reliable. This is more Columbia U left wing garbage science bs.

Speaking of crack. Thank the criminal lover, left wing lawyer for this.


Brazil is almost as overrun with the lawyer vermin pestilence as the US.


Try even verbal criticism of the criminal, one of the lawyers will sue you for verbal abuse.

The police of Brazil are killing these criminals by the boatload in extra-judicial executions. That is not putting a dent in their Fallujah like conditions. The police are barking up the wrong tree. They should be eradicating the left wing lawyer. Kill a lawyer, save 10 murder victims. To deter.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Feb 26, 2010 7:45:32 PM

"123D is much cheaper and reliable."

No it's not. After all your talk about killing judges and lawyers and street justice, and just on GP, if I were the murdering type, I would be tempted to kill you in self defense before you kill me.

Posted by: George | Feb 27, 2010 1:49:49 AM

Thank the lawyer. That thinking prevails 17,000 times a year in our over-lawyered nation of 300 million. In Brazil, another nation overrun by even more left wing lawyers than the US, it is 60,000 murders a year in a population of 200 million. Why? The murderer gets protection and generates fees if kept alive. The victim generates no lawyer fee.

And the poor do not get used to it. They feel the same pain at the loss of a loved one that you do.

If torts substitutes for violence, the obverse has to be true. Immunity justifies self-help. All self-dealt immunities should end to improve the product of the know nothing, incompetent lawyer. Self-help should begin with a boycott of the internal enemy by all product and service providers, not with violence.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Feb 27, 2010 3:27:44 AM


In that study of 43,000 people, having a personality disorder elevated the risk of substance abuse by a factor of 7.

Both crime and substance abuse may be correlates of the same thing, rather than substance abuse being a cause of criminality, subject to reduction by treatment.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Feb 28, 2010 4:03:08 AM

If torts substitutes for violence, the obverse has to be true. Immunity justifies self-help. All self-dealt immunities should end to improve the product of the know nothing, incompetent lawyer. Self-help should begin with a boycott of the internal enemy by all product and service providers, not with violence.

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