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February 26, 2010
"Wisconsin Teen Gets 15 Years for Facebook Sex-Extortion Scam"
The title of this post is the headline of this piece from Wired. Here are the basics:
A Wisconsin teenager was sentenced to 15 years in prison Wednesday for an extortion scheme that had him tricking male classmates into sending them nude photos of themselves, then blackmailing them with exposure if they didn’t have sex with him.
In 2008, defendant Anthony Stancl, who was 18 at the time, posed as a girl on Facebook and tricked more than 30 male classmates into sending him photos of themselves. According to court documents, authorities found 300 photos of underage males on his computer as well as video of some of the victims exposing their genitals and masturbating; some of the victims were 15 years old....
Stancl told the victims that he was an extortion victim himself and was being forced to have sex with them and photograph it in order to prevent other photos of himself from being exposed. His attorney, Craig Kuhary, says that Stancl’s activity was prompted by anxiety over his sexual orientation and the alienation he felt after he was humiliated and outed by another student. Stancl claimed he had been sexually assaulted by an upperclassman during his sophomore year.
February 26, 2010 at 09:21 AM | Permalink
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Disturbing idea in the Comment section in Wired:
Will the victims face charges of producing child porn in the pictures of themselves they sent?
They may get longer sentences than Stancl if they do.
Disturbing idea in the Comment section of a British paper:
In the UK, he might have received a fine and community service.
Isn't is time to fire the lawyer from the criminal law, this arrogant, know nothing incompetent, allowing massive criminal victimization, and harassing victims, because it is easier? The ordinary Commenter has far more competence than any judge or prosecutor. This defendant committed multiple crimes before this one, and should have been better supervised.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Feb 26, 2010 10:31:35 AM
Very good post. Made me realize I was totally wrong about this issue. I figure that one learns something new everyday. Mrs Right learned her lesson! Nice, informative website by the way.
Posted by: supra shoes | Nov 11, 2010 1:51:16 AM
15 years!!!!!!! are you kidding me for an 18 year old possessing pictures of 15 year olds? no Fing way this is ridiculousness. hes just a kid trying to find his sexual identity. so what if he lied to people and got them to send photos. we have murderers, rapists, bankers stealing trillions, pedophiles, and many other much more heinous crimes but this child gets 15 years? this is a communist country after all. when the real criminals get to steal more tax dollars with no crimal prosecution but this kid will now suffer the rest of his life because of this. he will prob end up back in prison on life term because the time he spends in there will turn him into a state baby as we call it. he will become institutionalized. And what we may end up with is a real psycho path because Wisconsin system will fail this child.
explain to me why a man who knowingly gets drunk rides a motorcycle, crashing killing a female on the bike and gets out in less than 5 years? but this kid gets 15? this makes me sick.
Posted by: CHELSEY | Dec 24, 2010 4:58:08 PM
I’m glad to see this post.
Thanks! Great Blog! Very useful information!
Thanks again guys!
Posted by: חלקי חילוף לרכב בתל אביב | Jan 3, 2011 8:26:42 AM