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August 19, 2010

Longshore workers union in California endorses marijuana legalization proposition

I continue to be interested in the ways in which various public policy and advocacy groups weigh in on Proposition 19, the ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana in California.  This local story, headlined "Bay Area longshore workers want to legalize pot," provides an interesting union perspective on this issue:

The longshore workers have jumped aboard the pro-marijuana legalization bandwagon, as the 25,000-member Northern California District Council of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union say they are pro-Prop 19. And why would that be?

"The ILWU NCDC supports Prop 19 for good reason," sez the union's official statement. "The continued prohibition of marijuana costs society too much. Billions of our tax dollars are wasted annually on the prosecution and incarceration of many, whose only crime is using, growing and selling marijuana.

"Peoples' lives are ruined for a lifetime because of criminal records incurred from using a drug that is used recreationally by people from all walks of life. Those criminal records fall disproportionately on the backs of workers, poor people, and people of color," says the ILWU NCDC....

"We've released a conveyer belt of endorsements showing the breadth and depth of our support," says Dan Newman, an experienced Democratic strategist who is working for Tax Cannabis. "It's not just a bunch of dreadlocked stoners."

Indeed folks have said a lot things over the years about veteran pols/Prop 19 endorsers like Oakland mayoral candidate Don Perata and Rep. George Miller, D-Martinez, but "dredlocked stoners" is not one of them.

Some related posts on pot policy and politics:

August 19, 2010 at 09:55 AM | Permalink


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