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November 28, 2010

"More federal child porn prosecutions in Texas than bank robberies, mail fraud or wire fraud"

The title of this post is from this post at the always terrific "Grits for Breakfast." The Grits post spotlights this effective Dallas Morning News article, headlined "Texas inmate is part of growing child porn trend that has ruined lives," about a particular downloader of kiddie porn who received only a two-year federal prison term even though "typically, people who view child porn get more prison time than people who sexually abuse children." Here is more from the newspaper piece:

Child porn possession has been a federal crime since 1990. In the last decade, federal prosecutions more than doubled in Texas and nationwide. In Texas, the cases have grown faster than nearly any category of federal offense, according to Syracuse University's TRAC database. Since October 2007, more child porn cases have been filed in Texas than old-school federal prosecutions for bank robbery or bank fraud, mail fraud or wire fraud.

The cases often involve seemingly ordinary people with stable jobs and families. The nearly 1,000 Texans prosecuted since 2000 include band instructors and businessmen, physicians and pastors and prison guards, restaurant managers and retirees....

Researchers say understanding of offenders is in its infancy. There's little data to differentiate passive voyeurs from active predators, and no definitive way to assess future risks for offenders.... "Some people who don't necessarily want to get involved with kids do get hooked," said psychiatrist Fred Berlin, founder of Johns Hopkins University's sexual disorders clinic.

He and other experts say many offenders don't know how to stop.  And the public remains largely unaware that, typically, people who view child porn get more prison time than people who sexually abuse children.

In the last decade, according to a federal public defender's 2009 analysis, the mean federal child porn sentence increased by nearly six years in the decade ending in 2007 to more than 7 ½ years in prison.

Some experts note that those increases came without any scientific data or rationale. Most offenders ... have no prior records –- let alone sex offenses.

The piece also has this notable chart spotlighing the significant the growth in federal child porn prosecutions both nationally and in Texas in recent years.

November 28, 2010 at 05:36 PM | Permalink


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Where is the mystery except to self-blinding left wingers? Vile feminist lawyers and their male running dogs are on a witch hunt after the productive male on pretextual, made up, anti-scientific bogus charges.

If downloading child porn is suborning child abuse, even if the depiction is from 1920, and everyone is dead, how is downloading adult porn not the suborning of prostitution?

The design of a study of porn required the recruiting of a control group, people who did not download porn. The study had to be given up. They could not recruits a single member of the control group.

I would like to suggest to innocent defendants to demand total e-discovery of the prosecutor, of the FBI agents, of the arresting officers, and especially of the judge. The government is the biggest downloader of child porn. If any is found, refer to the FBI. Let the officials explain to the FBI how it was part of work duty. If the defense lawyer traitor refuses to do so for fear of his future work, the defendant should write a simple letter demanding everything electronic from the feminist running dogs.

On the other hand, a lawyer privileged group, homosexuals, cannot even be criticized without losing one's job. Their practices have been immunized by the Supreme Court. These practices have resulted in the horrid assassination of 40 million people. That is the lawyer for you. Years of prison for viewing sex that harms no one. Immunity for a practice that dwarfs all 20th Century holocausts. (See another lawyer anomaly. Marijuana kills dozens a year in car crashes. Illegal. Alcohol and cigarettes kill 500,000 a year. Legal.)

Why are homosexuals privileged, despite their already superior positions? Why do they need protection? The lawyer is out to destroy the American family, and homosexual privileges are a tool to that end. Why destroy the American family? The resulting pathologies will require much bigger government, a wholly owned subsidiary of the lawyer criminal cult enterprise. This is not a conspiracy theory. Conspiracies are easy to break up. It is a criminal cult enterprise theory. Those are impossible to break up. If it is like its model, the Inquisition, it will last 100's of years.

I have patience. Eventually, the public will understand the rent seeking aims of this, history's biggest and most powerful criminal syndicate.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Nov 28, 2010 6:12:54 PM

I find it hard to believe that Texas prosecutes more of these cases than anyone. I live in Ft. Bend County and I am all but begging my county sheriffs office to look into child pornogrpahy images found on the family computer hard drive. Some of the images involved a hidden webcam of my minor daughter's bedroom with several naked images of her. I was told by the DAs office that a grand jury would probably give my husband a pass because we were going through marital problems at the time and after this discovery, a divorce. So I had "motives" for wanting him to be "guilty". Also I was told that although the computer was community property that my computer forensic analyst had proably breached my husband's passwords to uncover the images and that was a more serious offence that what he was doing. I should consider myself lucky that the county wasn't going after me for breach of computer security. So what do you think of that story! I can give you names and phone numbers to verify what I've told you.

Posted by: Sabrina Pope | Sep 25, 2012 2:14:15 PM

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