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December 23, 2010

Congrats to the new members of US Sentencing Commission now in place for the new year

I have heard on very good authority that, in all the flurry of lame-duck activity, yesterday the U.S. Senate confirmed Judge Patti B. Saris as Commissioner and Chair of the United States Sentencing Commission and Dabney Friedrich as Commissioner on the United States Sentencing Commission. (Both Judge Saris and Commissioner Friedrich had been nominated by President Barack Obama on April 28, 2010.)

In addition to expressing hearty congratulations to these new and continuing members of the USSC (and hearty thanks to the folks moving on), I wanted in this post to suggest that this important development should help ensure that the reform momentum of the USSC will be able to continue into 2011.  Of course, just where that reform momentum ought to be heading is the big, hard question as we enter a new year (and then seventh year of a post-Booker advisory federal sentencing guideline system).

UPDATE The US Sentencing Commission's website now has this official press release noting the background of these two newly confirmed commissioners and also noting the others now serving on the commission:

By statute, the Commission is composed of seven voting members and two nonvoting ex-officio members.  No more than four commissioners may be members of the same political party, and at least three must be federal judges.  Commissioner terms run for six years and a commissioner may serve no more than two full terms.  Other voting members of the Commission include Vice Chair William B. Carr, Jr. of Pennsylvania, Vice Chair Ketanji B. Jackson of Maryland, Chief Judge Ricardo H. Hinojosa of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, and Commissioner Beryl A. Howell of the District of Columbia, who was unanimously confirmed yesterday as a United States district judge for the District of Columbia.  The two non-voting members of the Commission are Isaac Fulwood, Jr., chairman of the United States Parole Commission, and Jonathan J. Wroblewski, representing the Office of the Attorney General, United States Department of Justice.

December 23, 2010 at 01:31 PM | Permalink


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Is anybody still advocating for (or even thinking about) replacing one of the ex-officios with a member of the defense bar? While a few of the Commissioners have had a grounding/background on the defense side, there used to be some chatter about amending the statute to add such a representative. While I'm sure that the next Congress would not be very hospitable, but is there any life in that idea?

Posted by: alan chaset | Dec 24, 2010 3:32:04 PM

What Ivy indoctrinated, totally pro-criminal, biased, nightmares for the crime victim. They will impose their Massachusetts and Maryland values on the nation. They are both advocates of the Hug a Thug remedy to crime. Criminals did not get enough love, and they intend to fix that deprivation. They want maximum freedom and choice for the criminal, and attack anyone seeking to stop the criminal. They are likely to throw the book at home defenders, and to glorify the home invader. One is a feminist extremist, anti-family, anti-USA, anti-religion, pro-gay, pro-criminal, pro-end to American sovereignty.

One unintended good consequence will be the inevitable rise in crime rates under their regime will rekindle the anger of the public.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Dec 25, 2010 12:45:55 PM

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