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December 12, 2010

Supremacy Claus puts money where his comments are to support reentry film

In this post from a few days ago, I reprinted an e-mail I received from Attila Adam, a writer and director working on a new drama called June Gloom. In his words, the "film is centered around a man's release from prison, into a world that doesn't want him. It's an example of how difficult restarting your life can be when you walk into that 'gloom' without a strong support system."

I linked to this special intro video to the project, which is on a webpage seeking pledges to help the project get completed, and I noted that $500 pledge would result in executive producer credit on this film. And I (half-jokingly) suggested that some of the frequent commentors on this blog consider supporting this effort

Ever the interesting fellow, (in)famous regular commentor Supremacy Claus wrote to me to report that he was going to make a $500 pledge and was going to do so in my name so that I would get executive producer credit.  For this kind gesture (which is now reflected on this June Gloom blog), I am awed and grateful.  And I have now added another $100 pledge (and provided that the goodies that come with this pledge go to SC).

Though I know not everyone is a huge fan of how Supremacy Claus sometimes seeks to take over the comment threads, I think everyone should be a huge fan of his efforts in this context. And if merely 1/10 of all the readers who dislike SC's comments would simply make a pledge of 1/10 of what SC put up on my behalf, the June Gloom film would have extra resources for final production and promotion. (As I noted before, the minimum pledge to support this project is a mere $10, and I hope a lot of readers might consider themselves able to pledge at least 2% of what Supremacy Claus put up.)

December 12, 2010 at 10:08 PM | Permalink


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$100 matched to Doug's. Very happy to support this project in memory of Greg Wright who was denied the opportunity of making the journey.

Posted by: peter | Dec 13, 2010 4:19:28 AM

I wish to contact MR. Attila and donate to this great proyect!

Posted by: jose forty | Dec 13, 2010 8:21:26 AM

YEA! And keep it coming wonderful SL&P readers.

Posted by: Doug B. | Dec 13, 2010 8:28:29 AM

A few points:

1. SC sees somewhat of a different world from the one I see, and his posts can be less than fully inviting when he starts off with "the cult, rent-seeking lawyer conspiracy...," but the man has some unrecognized virtues, five of which are that he's generous (see Doug's post), he speaks unpleasant and politically incorrect truths, he knows a lot of stuff, he's not a partisan, and he does not take ad hominem cracks at individual posters.

2. As I have said previously, I have misgivings about this film because I don't know what view it's going to take. I suspect it's going to portray the hero as a victim of prejudice while giving insufficient regard to his own temperament, poor decision-making and failure to take responsibility for his own plight. That would be the typical liberal outlook.

3. Notwithstanding that, because I am a regular participant on Doug's blog; because Doug views it as in the interest of the blog to make contributions to this film; because of my high regard for Doug (notwithstanding that I disagree with him on many issues) -- and because it's the Christmas season and I'm not as much of a tightwad as usual -- I will contribute $100 to the film.

Posted by: Bill Otis | Dec 13, 2010 9:47:51 AM

Huzzah! And here is hoping that everyone who makes a 3-figure contribution gets some kind of special invitation to some kind of screening of this movie. Indeed, perhaps we can/will get Bill Otis and SC and peter to all appear on the same panel to discuss the merits (and de-merits?) of this project (and then start the funding for another one).

Thanks to all who are, like Bill, getting into the holiday spirit in this way!

Posted by: Doug B. | Dec 13, 2010 12:02:04 PM

Thanks for the link. Attila Adam just got my $ 100.00.

Posted by: beth | Dec 13, 2010 12:16:26 PM


Posted by: Anon | Dec 13, 2010 12:49:18 PM

I also know nothing about this project, but my deep respect for Professor Berman (one of my former professors, in fact) compels me to contribute $100 to the project.

Thank you for continuing this wonderful forum, Professor.

Posted by: Res ipsa | Dec 13, 2010 1:17:08 PM

Wow, I am not sure I ever knew Res ipsa was a former student, and I am sure that I am pleased that a former student still likes/respects me AND that he/she has $100 to spare in these tough times for junior(?) lawyers.

Yea again!

Posted by: Doug B. | Dec 13, 2010 1:27:39 PM

Bill: Thank you for the fair and kind words. Here is something else. I love the law, the lawyer, and the rule of law is as essential an utility product as water and electricity. If the lawyers ever listen to my high school level stuff, stop resisting, and change, they will be richer, more productive, held in much higher public esteem. As a result most of our social and economic problems will be ended, permanently. There will be no crime. The growth rate will be the more natural 9% of our Asian friends. Contracts down to those amounting to pennies will be enforced. Safety will boom. The $trillion spent on transaction costs will be cut to one tenth.Where will most of the $trillion now spent go? To research and development, of course, making us even richer.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Dec 13, 2010 2:57:10 PM

as a believer of reentry programs, I also just matched Doug's $100.

Posted by: angela | Dec 13, 2010 3:20:48 PM

Face up to the life with smile , no matter what will happened.

Posted by: suprashoes | Feb 18, 2011 4:07:44 AM

My boyfriend understand bout this better than me. So I will ask him to explain this to me.

Posted by: Cheap Pandora Bracelets Charms | May 16, 2011 4:16:28 AM

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Posted by: pandora charms 2011 | Jun 18, 2011 11:02:18 PM

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