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January 11, 2011
First public meeting of the new US Sentencing Commission
As detailed in this public notice, a public meeting of the US Sentencing Commission is scheduled for this afternoon. The public notice reveals that the USSC has one especially notable item on its agenda: "Possible Votes to Publish Proposed Guideline Amendments and Issues for Comments."
In addition to this one notable agenda item, this public meeting is a big deal because it will be the first public event run by Judge Patti B. Saris, whom the Senate confirmed as a Commissioner and the new USSC Chair just a few weeks ago (noted here). For that reason and others, this also presents a good time for me to remind everyone the Federal Sentencing Reporter is still seeking and accepting commentaries for its forthcoming Special Issue designed to to provide "Advice for the U.S. Sentencing Commissioners." Details about this publication opportunity are available here.
January 11, 2011 at 10:42 AM | Permalink
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