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January 11, 2011
Missouri Governor commutes death sentence to LWOP based on innocence concerns
As detailed in this local article, "Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon on Monday commuted the death sentence of a convicted murderer to life in prison without parole." Here is more:
Richard Clay was scheduled to be executed Wednesday for a 1994 murder in New Madrid County, in Missouri’s Bootheel region.
In a statement announcing the decision, Nixon said he remains convinced of Clay’s involvement in the murder and supports the guilty verdict. “I have concluded, however, to exercise my constitutional authority and commute Richard Clay’s sentence to life without the possibility of parole,” Nixon said in the statement. “Richard Clay’s involvement in this crime is clear, and he must, and will, serve the remainder of his life behind bars for his role in this heinous act.”
A spokesman for Nixon said the governor would not offer any additional details about his decision. Attorney General Chris Koster also released a statement, saying he respects Nixon’s decision. Mel Carnahan was the last governor to commute a death sentence in Missouri. That came in 1999.
Clay got the news in a phone call from his attorney, Jennifer Herndon, who said he was “obviously relieved.” “It’s a fabulous step in the right direction,” said Herndon, who added that she remains convinced that Clay is innocent.
Herndon said that she will continue to work to have Clay cleared. “It’s not over,” she said. “It’s the first step.”
A jury in Callaway County found Clay guilty in the 1994 killing of Randy Martindale. Clay was sentenced to death in 1995.
Martindale’s estranged wife, Stacy Martindale, and a man she was having an affair with at the time, Charles Sanders, also were charged in the murder-for-hire plot. Stacy Martindale was convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Sanders, who testified against Clay, got probation.
January 11, 2011 at 10:05 AM | Permalink
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What do you mean it was commuted because of innocence concerns? Nixon said Clay's involvement was clear and commmitted a heinous act. I really don't see the reason for the reduction to life. Nixon owes the victim and his family more than that.
Posted by: DaveP | Jan 12, 2011 7:21:12 AM