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January 11, 2011

Possible death penalty repeal in Illinois now in hand of Governor Pat Quinn

As detailed in this Chicago Tribune report, Illinois might soon add to the number of states that have legislatively repealed the death penalty in recent years.  Here are the basics:

A historic measure to abolish the death penalty in Illinois passed the state Senate today after nearly two hours of impassioned debate.

The ban on executions goes to Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn, who must sign the legislation for it to become law.  During last fall's campaign, Quinn said he supports "capital punishment when applied carefully and fairly," but also backs the 10-year-old moratorium on executions.

The Senate voted 32-25 to approve the ban, with two members voting present. The measure passed the House last week....  Sponsoring Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, urged his colleagues to “join the civilized world” and end the death penalty in Illinois....

The action comes 10 years after then-Gov. George Ryan placed a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois following revelations that several people sent to Death Row were later exonerated.  Quinn has not said whether he would sign the ban, but during last year's campaign said the moratorium should stay in place to see whether reforms have worked....

Only days before he left office in January 2003, Ryan granted clemency to 164 Death Row inmates even though sources on the Illinois Prisoner Review Board said the panel recommended clemency for no more than 10. There are 15 people on Death Row in Illinois, officials said.

Knowing nothing about the political lay of the land, I am inclined to predict that Governor Pat Quinn will sign this legislation. But maybe folks more knowledgeable concerning that state's politics might know reasons he would consider a veto.

January 11, 2011 at 05:20 PM | Permalink


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During last fall's campaign, Quinn said he supports "capital punishment when applied carefully and fairly," but also backs the 10-year-old moratorium on executions.

Could he sound more like a politician?

Posted by: Anon | Jan 11, 2011 6:48:04 PM

He is a Dominican educated lawyer. The Dominicans were the storm troopers for orthodoxy and ran the Inquisition 1.0. He is a member of the Inquisition 2.0 by his attending an elite law school. Both versions had excellent business plans. The speech out of both sides of his mouth, on support for the DP but also for its suspension? Standard procedure for the weasel.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jan 11, 2011 9:56:41 PM

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