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March 17, 2011

Important US Sentencing Commission hearing today on FSA and guideline amendments

As detailed in this official notice, today the US Sentencing Commission is conducted a full-day public hearing "to gather testimony from invited witnesses regarding proposed amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines."  Helpfully, this official agenda not only lists the invited witnesses, but also provides links to their written testimony. 

Interestingly, the Executive Branch gets its own panel, and then there are two Fair Sentencing Act panels and finally a Firearm Offenses panel.  The great folks at FAMM are covering these USSC doings extensively and FAMM even had this Twitter account with live update on today's USSC hearing.

March 17, 2011 at 10:08 AM | Permalink


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I like what you have said,it is really helpful to me,thanks!

Posted by: Big pony | Apr 11, 2011 7:55:43 AM

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