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March 29, 2011

"Willie Nelson Could Sing for His Freedom in Texas Pot Case"

A helpful reader altered me to this amusing story from Fox News sharing the headline of this post.  Here are the details:

The prosecutor in Willie Nelson's marijuana possession case said the country music legend could get off with just a fine if he agrees to sing one of his songs in court, TMZ reported Monday.

Nelson, 77, was busted at a border patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas, en route to Austin on November 25 last year.  He was arrested but released when he posted $2,500 bond at Hudspeth County Jail.

The prosecutor in the case said he was willing to let Nelson off with a $100 fine if Nelson performed his song "Blue Eyes Smiling in the Rain" in the courtroom, TMZ said.  The prosecutor reportedly said the song would count as Nelson's community service.

If Nelson chooses not to accept the prosecutor's offer, he could face a maximum of 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine if convicted when he appears in court, at a date yet to be decided.

Any and all comments with appropriate jokes/puns involving Texas justice, marijuana, Willie Nelson and/or singing as a sentence will be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE:  Thanks to another helpful reader, I have now learned about breaking news here from the AP on this landmark case-in-the-making:

A Texas judge says Willie Nelson won't have to sing in court to resolve marijuana possession charges -- and a suggestion that he do so was a joke....

Judge Becky Dean-Walker demanded Nelson appear in court, not plead by mail [and] Dean-Walker told The Associated Press she thinks the prosecutor was trying to be funny, "and it got out of hand."  She said Tuesday that Nelson can plead guilty without coming to court and singing.

March 29, 2011 at 06:53 PM | Permalink


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This condition of adjudication is not rationally related to correctional objectives. Instead,
it is purely for the prosecutor's personal amusement. Don't sing for your supper, Willie

Posted by: Benson Weintraub | Mar 29, 2011 7:16:44 PM

I have no idea if the prosecution is frivolous, but I'm sure the prosecutor is.

Posted by: Bill Otis | Mar 29, 2011 8:41:47 PM

The song is "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain," not "Blue Eyes Smiling in the Rain."

Posted by: country music fan | Mar 29, 2011 9:22:52 PM

WillieNelson.org is up for auction https://flippa.com/128756

Posted by: Willie Fan | Mar 31, 2011 1:09:18 AM

I would have preferred 'Desperado' when he did it with Waylan and Mr. Cash

Posted by: Minnesota Criminal Lawyer | Mar 31, 2011 4:07:11 PM

He should wait for his pardon and make something valuable for his time inside the prison.

Posted by: Patterson lawfirm | May 23, 2011 1:56:37 AM

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