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April 2, 2011

Execution drug issues continue to generate litigation and headlines

As detailed by the headlines and stories linked below, there continue to be daily developments in many states concerning lethal injection protocols and the litigation they can generate:

From the Houston Chronicle here, "Judge refuses to block lethal injection drug switch": "A Texas judge on Friday refused to block Texas' switch to a new lethal injection drug, denying a condemned man's efforts to delay his execution, which is scheduled for next week."

From Reuters here, "Appeals court clears way for Arizona execution": "An Arizona death row inmate on Friday lost an attempt to block his execution, when a U.S. appeals court ruled authorities can use a controversial drug next week for his lethal injection. The decision from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Daniel Wayne Cook failed to show he is likely to face "needless suffering" when given sodium thiopental."

From the New York Times here, "2 More States Turn Over a Drug Used in Executions": "Kentucky and Tennessee turned over their supplies of a drug used in executions to the federal authorities on Friday, weeks after Georgia’s supply was seized because of questions about how it had been imported."

April 2, 2011 at 10:33 AM | Permalink


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Any such controversy is manufactured rather than real. I will give execution opponents their due, however, they have their public relations down pat.

Posted by: Soronel Haetir | Apr 2, 2011 11:12:49 AM

These are not drugs for the treatment of a disease, nor to get intoxicated. These substances are intended to cause harm, death by poisoning. They are not in the jurisdiction of the FDA, nor the DEA. At worst, they are in the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture as pesticides.

Why can't the state lawyers see that simple distinction and get summary judgments and injunctions against the over-reaching federal agencies of the DOJ?

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Apr 2, 2011 12:26:24 PM

Thanks for your share,thanks a lot.Good luck!

Posted by: Big pony | Apr 11, 2011 6:00:42 AM

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