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May 23, 2011

Renown criminolologist Ray Lewis explains key cause of crime

As detailed in this Fox News piece, Baltimore Ravens star Ray Lewis has figured out a key cause of crime: a lack of football.  Here is what Lewis had to say on this topic:

One of the consequences of a lost NFL season will be an increase in crime, Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis said in a wide-raging one-on-one interview with ESPN.  "Do this research if we don't have a season -- watch how much evil, which we call crime, watch how much crime picks up, if you take away our game," Lewis told ESPN's Sal Paolantonio.

That's because, Lewis said, the NFL lockout affects "way more than us" -- the owners and the players. "There's too many people that live through us, people live through us," he said. "Yeah, walk in the streets, the way I walk the streets, and I'm not talking about the people you see all the time."

When asked why he thought crime would increase if the NFL doesn't play games this year, Lewis said: "There's nothing else to do, Sal."

May 23, 2011 at 01:53 PM | Permalink


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Freakonomics (http://www.freakonomics.com/2011/05/23/will-the-nfl-lockout-lead-to-increase-in-crime/) has a nice reply to Ray's observation:

The NFL lockout does seem to be leading to an increase in criminal behavior among one demographic: NFL players. According to the Grio.com’s John Mitchell, arrests among NFL players have spiked during the lockout this spring.

Posted by: Josh Blackman | May 23, 2011 2:03:33 PM

And we do know what happened one time when Ray Lewis had the Super Bowl off, he was involved in covering up a murder.

Posted by: TarlsQtr | May 23, 2011 3:17:13 PM

He's not saying anything different than the study Doug mentioned saying video games reduce crime because of the "voluntary incapacitation" effect.

Posted by: Gritsforbreakfast | May 24, 2011 3:58:50 AM

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