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June 27, 2011
Lots of interesting last-day SCOTUS action on a variety of fronts
Today marks the last big day of the Supreme Court's October 2010 Term, and the action reported at SCOTUSblog is fast, furious and intriguing. Though there are no criminal justice blockbuster decisions in the mix, there are lots of interesting developments such as:
- Cert granted in 11 news cases, including one dealing with the GPS tracking and the Fourth Amendment and a capital case from California dealing with federal habeas and appointment of counsel issues
- A PC opinion undoing a Ninth Circuit ruling on SORNA's application to juveniles (opinion here)
- Justice Scalia repeatedly urging a ruling that ACCA is unconstitutionally vague
- Justice Scalia authoring the opinion for the 7-2 court striking down California's regulation preventing the sale of violent video games to minors.
As time and energy permits and thoughts justify, I will have separate posts discussion any big sentencing stories lunking in these and other SCOTUS developments today.
June 27, 2011 at 10:33 AM | Permalink
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Another case from CA with Reinhardt on the panel with Pregerson and Wardlaw. Maybe with a little luck Stephen will get one affirmed some day.
Posted by: DaveP | Jun 27, 2011 4:01:44 PM