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June 10, 2011
Washington Post editorial urges full retroactivity for new lower crack guidelines
The Washington Post has this new editorial headlined "A step backward in crack cocaine sentencing," which criticized the Justice Department for advocating limits on which past offenders get the benefits of the new lower federal sentencing guidelines for crack. Here are excerpts:
The U.S. Sentencing Commission has been tasked with developing sentencing guidelines for the new crack law and last week took up the issue of whether the reduced penalties may be applied retroactively. The Justice Department endorsed retroactivity but argued that crack offenders who had been convicted of a gun charge and those with longer criminal histories should not be allowed to seek lower sentences. While we appreciate the department’s legitimate public safety concerns, we do not believe this approach is warranted.
The most important reason to set aside the Justice Department’s approach is fairness. The old crack laws were draconian — and that is true whether they were applied to a first-time offender or to someone who also was found to be in possession of a weapon.
Concerns over public safety can be — and have been — addressed through other means. The most serious criminals and those deemed violent “career” offenders are not among the 13,000 or so inmates eligible for a potential sentence reduction. Moreover, no sentence could be reduced until a judge evaluates an inmate’s record and signs off on the reduction. The judge would have the authority to reduce only the penalties associated with the crack violations; penalties for other offenses, including gun infractions, would remain intact.
Federal judges have a good record in making such judgment calls. Judges rejected some 36 percent of requests for reduced sentences after the commission tweaked the crack guidelines in 2007 and permitted retroactive reductions. The commission recently documented that those who were released after their sentences were shortened recorded recidivism rates that were slightly lower than typical. Those with longer records or gun convictions were not automatically excluded from consideration, and they shouldn’t be this time around, either.
Recent related posts:
- USSC request comments on possible retroactivity of new crack and drug guidelines
- Revised data from USSC concerning potential impact of FSA guideline retroactivity
- Lots of news as AG Holder say to USSC lower FSA crack guidelines should be retroactive
- Lamar Smith's (deeply misguided) statement about crack retroactivity debate
- Informed criticisms of Justice Department's proposed limitation on crack retroactivity
June 10, 2011 at 10:40 AM | Permalink
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