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July 1, 2011
DSK to be freed from house arrest as victim's rape story being questioned
As reported in this new Wall Street Journal article, "Manhattan prosecutors have agreed to end the house arrest of former International Monetary Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn following new revelations about a hotel maid who accused him of sexual assault." Here is more:
Mr. Strauss-Kahn appeared in court Friday morning, and prosecutors are expected to also agree to end electronic monitoring. They will keep his passport as part of the change in bail terms....
The developments come as both prosecutors and his defense team prepared to raise questions about the credibility of Mr. Strauss-Kahn's accuser, people close to the case said. Problems with the prosecution's main witness are expected to be made public at the hearing before State Supreme Court Justice Michael Obus....
Mr. Strauss-Kahn, 62 years old, has pleaded not guilty to charges of sexually assaulting the maid in his suite May 14 at the Sofitel hotel in Manhattan. Prosecutors aren't expected to immediately ask for dismissal of the charges against Mr. Strauss-Kahn, who faces a seven-count indictment, people familiar with the matter said.
Prosecutors are expected to reveal in court that the maid told them she had been the victim of a gang rape in her home country of Guinea and later admitted that she had made the story up, a person familiar with the matter said. Prosecutors also believe that she made some false statements about her asylum application and some details from the day of the alleged attack, the person said.
The revelations about the witness also involve her interaction with a man jailed on drug charges with whom she was taped in a telephone call, one person familiar with the situation said. Prosecutors and defense lawyers met Thursday to discuss the issues....
The May 14 arrest of Mr. Strauss-Kahn, an international political figure, at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport as he prepared to depart on a flight for Paris has generated headlines and debate around the world, cost him his job at the helm of the IMF and has apparently dashed his hopes for a run at the French presidency. It has also fueled speculation in Mr. Strauss-Kahn's home country of conspiracies against him driven by politics and profit.
Prosecutors had previously said in court that the maid, a 32-year-old immigrant, had immediately cried out to witnesses upon leaving the room, indicating the veracity of her story. Investigators also found DNA evidence from Mr. Strauss-Kahn at the scene, law-enforcement officials have said.
But the defense lawyers had indicated they would argue the encounter was consensual and hired investigators to scrutinize the woman's credibility. In recent weeks, according to people familiar with the situation, investigations by the defense team and law enforcement have resulted in the discovery of the false statement by the maid to prosecutors and the association with the man jailed on drug charges.
July 1, 2011 at 12:05 PM | Permalink
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They found his DNA at the scene? Wow, he must be guilty! No one ever leaves DNA in their hotel room.
Posted by: NickS | Jul 1, 2011 12:26:14 PM
If this case completely folds, does DSK have any recourse regarding that infamous 'perp walk'.
Posted by: Rob | Jul 1, 2011 12:51:42 PM
I've yet to hear of anyone winning a lawsuit because police let reporters photograph them walking into a courthouse.
That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if the case did fold. Despite my feelings on rape as a crime, I believe Kennedy v Louisiana was a boneheaded decision with no basis in the constitution and not much in precedent, a lying victim would probably be enough to sway me as a juror to acquit.
Posted by: MikeinCT | Jul 1, 2011 1:06:32 PM
well rob if the case collapses as completley as it's looking like. he will probably soon be the president of france. so yep.
Posted by: rodsmith | Jul 1, 2011 1:06:39 PM
I like your response, short simple and funny...What can one say...
Posted by: Josh2 | Jul 1, 2011 10:50:19 PM
DSK should sue the employer of the Islamic maid, the police, the Islamic maid, the feminist prosecutor (despite its immunity repeatedly conferred by the Supreme Court, the immunity being unjust and unconscionable), all experts, their employers, all technicians as individuals, their employers. He should search for news articles prematurely implying his guilt, and sue them all. I would like to see him sue the judge that issued the arrest warrant for deviation from professional standards, again despite the unfair immunity). Suing these immune parties would not be frivolous since the claim is desgned to change very unfair case law, with zero policy justification, and plenty of arguments in favor liability (the same made about everyone else's liability). To deter.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 1, 2011 10:50:46 PM
We should pass a federal law (I hate making more laws as they are usually stupid, but, what the heck) that LE, prosecutors or any government personnel CANNOT talk to anyone (other than defense personnel) before the preliminary exam and pre-trial hearing.
That is where prosecutors and LE get the most bang for their lies (or most likely, misinterpreted statements that are limited in actual facts). Imagine how more intelligent we as a society would become with ready, aim, fire instead of fire, ready, aim.
However, this would diminish the fascist (I know Bill, but I am weak) power of LE and the Feds to demonize anyone and place limits on their (LE) politial supporters and political gain (think Hutaree in Michigan).
Posted by: albeed | Jul 1, 2011 11:12:11 PM
nice albeed but need one addition
"nothing about any criminal charges can be released to anyone but those involved. espeicaly the media until the criminal trial is complete!"
Posted by: rodsmith | Jul 2, 2011 12:43:53 AM
And you don't think someone's neighbors might want to know that their neighbor is on trial for rape or murder?
Posted by: MikeinCT | Jul 2, 2011 3:03:23 PM
There should be no public release of details or evidence before the preliminary exam. All that does is give the prosecutor and LE cheap (read sensational and mind dumbing) publicity which our yellow media love to lap up and not accurately report (watch the
6 O'Clock news) which I have stopped doing a long time ago. You will get absolutely no accurate information about you neighbor. If he/she is a danger, they will be denied release (which happens, even if they are no danger.)
So you can rest pretty in your la-la land and not worry about your neighbor.
Posted by: albeed | Jul 2, 2011 10:13:13 PM
well Mike you want to reference the page of the u.s constution that gives anyone the RIGHT to know what anyone else is doing?
I seem to NOT be able to find it!
Posted by: rodsmith | Jul 2, 2011 10:50:56 PM
I don't see anything in the Constitution forbidding the release of such information.
"So you can rest pretty in your la-la land and not worry about your neighbor"
I live in 'lala land'? Dangerous people get released on bail all the time.
Posted by: MikeinCT | Jul 2, 2011 11:41:48 PM
I hope fair minded people will join in the call for the immediate resignation of Cyrus Vance, Manhattan DA, irresponsible , feminist, biased male witch hunter. He has brought several other false allegations against productive males. All failed.
He failed to properly investigate this matter due to his extreme feminist bias. Feminism is to 2011 what the KKK was to 1911. His irresponsible false accusation changed international political landscape, and the course of history of France. How much more damage can this feminist, biased witch hunter do before he is removed? He should be made to pay from his own assets for all legal costs of DSK, no matter what the biased, feminist dominated Supreme Court says about prosecutorial tort immunity. Immunity has no justification in any dimension of the law.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 2, 2011 11:48:52 PM
There should be zero tolerance for feminism, a hate ideology, in any district attorney office. Because most defendant are male, feminism represents a presumption of an improper motive per se. People like former prosecutor and witch hunter Justice Sotomayor must be fired on the spot from all DA offices. If this process does not happen immediately, then all prosecutions should be challenged in court and in licensing agencies for having an improper motive.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 3, 2011 12:00:33 AM
Cyrus Vance should be Nifonged. To deter.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 3, 2011 3:34:38 AM
Makes one wonder how many other cases might crumble and fall if more defendants had the means to deploy a platoon of private investigators.
Posted by: John K | Jul 3, 2011 11:08:09 AM
I don't see anything in the Constitution forbidding the release of such information.
"So you can rest pretty in your la-la land and not worry about your neighbor"
I live in 'lala land'? Dangerous people get released on bail all the time.
Posted by: MikeinCT | Jul 2, 2011 11:41:48 PM"
Maybe the founders considered it covered under the 4th..... you know freedom from unreasonable and illegal search and seizure.
you have media and other idiotic buzzybodies taking individuals private information and lives and then using it to make themselves look good.
would seem to be covered!
plus of course back then if someone was to pull something like this against an innocent individual the odds are they would have been meet with hot lead!
Posted by: rodsmith | Jul 3, 2011 11:36:38 AM
This is just too much. Suborning prostitution by the accuser.
Feminist lawyer Cyrus Vance must go immediately.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 3, 2011 7:13:28 PM
"Maybe the founders considered it covered under the 4th..... you know freedom from unreasonable and illegal search and seizure."
Not only is publishing this info not searching or seizing anything, attempting to outlaw spreading this information directing contradicts the first amendment.
Posted by: MikeinCT | Jul 3, 2011 7:59:07 PM
I'm all for publishing the information about all crimes to the criminals neighbors. I also want the home address of all prosecutors and judges published along with it. First Ammendment ya know.
Posted by: anon2 | Jul 3, 2011 8:47:20 PM
"Not only is publishing this info not searching or seizing anything, attempting to outlaw spreading this information directing contradicts the first amendment."
If you rely on the current media as it exists for your information, Joseph Goebbels would have been so proud of you.
With regards to the first amendment, Those who adamantly defend all freedom of speech, usually defend freedom from rational thought.
Note: These are not exclusive. I believe that freedom of rational thought trumps freedom of rant and misinformation.
Posted by: albeed | Jul 3, 2011 11:01:47 PM
"If you rely on the current media as it exists for your information, Joseph Goebbels would have been so proud of you."
Nice, you avoid countering my point by mentioning the Nazis, the usual refuge of posters with nothing valid to say.
"Note: These are not exclusive. I believe that freedom of rational thought trumps freedom of rant and misinformation."
And when you decide what information is rational enough to be spoken, freedom of speech has no meaning. Or maybe you'd like to be arrested for bad mouthing a DA?
Posted by: MikeinCT | Jul 4, 2011 12:39:43 AM
I do not recall a damage control problem that was as serious as this case.
Posted by: John Neff | Jul 4, 2011 10:04:31 AM