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July 7, 2011

Only six DAYS left in Casey Anthony's four-year sentence

After calculating all of Casey Anthony's myriad sentencing credits, it appears she has only six more days to serve on her four-year term. Remarkable!

UPDATE: I am still looking for information about just how Florida laws concerning good time and gain time and other factors mean Anthony is to end up being in jail only for about 33 months on a sentence of 48 months. I keep hearing that Florida offenders usually serve 85% of their prison sentences after good time credits, but it appears that Anthony is only to end up serving about 70% of her imposed jail time.

July 7, 2011 at 11:49 AM | Permalink


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yea if sent to a doc prison you are requried to serve 85%. but since her convictions are not felony's and each requireds only a year. law says she can serve them in the country jail. jails do not fall under the 85% each county has thier own gaintime system.

Posted by: rodsmith | Jul 7, 2011 3:15:38 PM

time to throw up a countdown clock!

Posted by: . | Jul 7, 2011 3:23:11 PM

In my county the date of expiration of sentence is implied and the jail administrator computes (taking into account good-time credits and other factors) the actual date of expiration. It is possible for a judge to specify the date of release in the sentencing order. The policy depends on the state, county and the judge. In some counties any-part-of-a-day counts as a full day. For example if they are booked at 11 PM they get an extra full day of credit for time served.

If they are not watched they can be very creative in computing the time served.

Posted by: John Neff | Jul 7, 2011 7:36:38 PM

Where does one find credit calc rules in fla for County jails?

Posted by: bill harrell | Jul 7, 2011 8:10:22 PM

Bill Harrell:

You may want to try Cornell University law School website at http://www.law.cornell.edu/states/florida and click on statutes and then click on Title XLVII. I trust that this helps.

Posted by: John Marshall | Jul 7, 2011 9:02:25 PM

might also see if the local country jail has a website. or if that one is ran by the country sheriff's office check that one.

Posted by: rodsmith | Jul 8, 2011 12:45:50 AM

I believe this is based on the county's good time rules. For Florida state prison, the maximum good time credited is 15% of the sentence. Furthermore, while jail time is credited, good time is only earned and credited for the state prison time. But that's just Florida Department of Corrections; county jails can use different calculations.

Posted by: Anonymous | Jul 8, 2011 4:06:28 AM

Florida Statutes section 951.21(1) states:

Commutation of time for good conduct of county prisoners shall be granted by the board of county commissioners unless, by a majority vote of the board of county commissioners, the board elects to discontinue or revise gain-time policies for good conduct. If the board of commissioners authorizes commutation of time for good conduct, the following deductions shall be made from the term of sentence when no charge of misconduct has been sustained against a county prisoner: up to 5 days per month off the first and second years of the sentence; up to 10 days per month off the third and fourth years of the sentence; up to 15 days per month off the fifth and all succeeding years of the sentence. Where no charge of misconduct is sustained against a county prisoner, the deduction shall be deemed earned and the prisoner shall be entitled to credit for a month as soon as the prisoner has served such time as, when added to the deduction allowable, will equal a month. A county prisoner under two or more cumulative sentences shall be allowed commutation as if they were all one sentence.

For the Orange County, Florida, gain time policy see: http://www.orangecountyfl.net/Portals/0/Resources/Internet/DEPARTMENTS/Corrections/docs/InmateHandbookEnglish0609.pdf

Posted by: Scott J. Flint | Jul 8, 2011 7:56:28 AM

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