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August 29, 2011
"Baked Sale? Troopers find weed-laced treats after crash"
The title of this post is the headline of this local story from Ohio, which was just far too amusing not to blog. Here are the particulars:
Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers found four and a half pounds of marijuana-laced treats during a traffic crash investigation last Thursday in Boardman. While on the scene of a crash, troopers detected a strong odor of marijuana on one of the drivers.
They conducted a probable cause search of that driver's vehicle, and found individually wrapped Rice Krispies-like treats with a strong odor of marijuana. Further investigation revealed that the treats were laced with a liquid form of marijuana.
Patrick Altier, 22, of Boardman was charged with possession of marijuana and trafficking in marijuana, both third-degree felonies. He was also charges with OVI.
August 29, 2011 at 05:59 PM | Permalink
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