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September 16, 2011
Wiccan Witch of Wisconsin prison now in big trouble
This amusing but still sad story from ABC News seems tailor-made for a Friday post on this blog. The piece is headlined "Wisconsin Witch Accused of Sex Assault in Alleged Prison Hostage Plot," and here is how it starts:
A Wiccan prison chaplain who allegedly hatched a plan to fake a hostage situation with an inmate is now facing close to 60 years in prison, accused of sexual assault and providing narcotics to an inmate.
Jamyi Witch, 52, of Omro, Wis., who became the first Wiccan prison chaplain in the state amid controversy in 2001, is accused of sexual role-playing with an inmate, plying him with sleeping pills and telling the prison she was assaulted so both individuals could be transferred to a new facility.
On Aug. 10, Witch, who changed her last name from Welch because of her religion, told police that an inmate came into her office, barricaded the door with shelving and her wheelchair, and held her hostage, according to court documents. The situation ended peacefully, with the inmate being removed after being fed sleeping pills by Witch.
Two weeks later, however, police said they intercepted a letter from the inmate to his mother describing a different scenario in which Witch hatched a plan for a fake hostage situation in order to get them both transferred to other facilities, according to the criminal complaint.
September 16, 2011 at 09:02 AM | Permalink
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For creative sentencing, how about having Dorothy throw a bucket of water on her?
Unfortunately, Judy Garland is unavailable, so six months of discovery on the qualifications of the new bucket brigade will be required.
Posted by: Kent Scheidegger | Sep 16, 2011 11:35:13 AM
A Shonda!!
Posted by: Benson Weintraub | Sep 16, 2011 1:21:57 PM
Kent, being the law-and-order type you are, I thought you'd suggest burning at the stake.
Posted by: Jonathan Edelstein | Sep 16, 2011 3:04:53 PM
Jonathan Edelstein --
Personally, I don't like my steaks burned.
Posted by: Bill Otis | Sep 16, 2011 4:44:37 PM
Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, was a great post and very interesting
Posted by: cooltasche | Sep 16, 2011 9:33:41 PM