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October 3, 2011
Might "female Hannibal Lecter" have a shot at parole in California?
The question in the title of this post is prompted by this new piece in the Los Angeles Times, which is headlined "Gruesome details recounted in case of ex-model who ate husband." Here are the specifics:
Gruesome details are expected to be recounted this week when a state parole board decides whether an ex-model who dismembered her husband then cooked and ate his body parts should be freed after nearly two decades behind bars.
At the time of the sensational Orange County case, detectives compared Omaima Nelson to the fictional cannibal killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter. She is seeking early release from California Central Women’s Prison, where she is serving 27 years to life for the second-degree murder of William E. Nelson.
Orange County Senior Deputy Dist. Atty. Randolph J. Pawloski is fighting her release, saying he will never forget the horror of visiting the couple's home. “There were suitcases and plastic bags soaked with dark liquid from his body parts. In the fry cooker there sat Mr. Nelson’s hands and when we opened the refrigerator there was Mr. Nelson’s head with stab wounds,” Palowski recalls. “She had his entrails in his Corvette and she was trying to get an ex-boyfriend to yank out the dentures from the head so she could dump it in the Back Bay.”
The memory of those details is why the veteran prosecutor who sent her to prison will take the rare step of personally appearing at a parole hearing in Chowchilla on Wednesday to oppose her request for early release. “It is certainly one of the most gruesome and notorious crimes ever committed in Orange County and sometime people need reminding of that,” he said. “It is probably the most egregious mutilation murder we’ve had here.”
The way she defiled and mutilated her husband, he will tell the parole board, demonstrates an exceptionally callous disregard for human life, he said. “Make no mistake -- she will tell you anything you wish to hear to get what she wants,” he said.
Jurors deliberated for six days before rejecting Nelson's defense that she was a battered woman who killed in self-defense after being repeatedly abused and raped the night before the killing. Because of a lack of premeditation they deemed it a second-degree murder.
In court, a psychiatrist testified that Nelson put on red shoes, a red hat and red lipstick before spending hours chopping up her husband's body. " 'I did his ribs just like in a restaurant,' " the psychiatrist quoted Nelson as saying. She revealed she sat at the kitchen table with her husband’s cooked remains and said out loud: " 'It's so sweet, it's so delicious .... I like mine tender,' " the doctor recalled.
October 3, 2011 at 06:02 PM | Permalink
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This prisoner has the full protection of the lawyer. This protection is to generate fees by endless procedure, and morally reprehensible. If she is devoid of any humanity, so are the judges keeping her alive. The judges are more disgusting than she is.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 4, 2011 6:35:29 AM
One has to note the feminist angle of this gruesome murder. The average American woman can only be beaten once, by surprise. She appropriately walks away, the normal response to abuse. The abuse excuse is false, and not acceptable legally because of the delay in the homicide. It may not even be true. Someone who cooks human ribs can cook the truth. There would not be a second degree conviction if the genders were reversed.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 4, 2011 6:40:20 AM
I am going to bet 10 cents on the race of the victim. The value of life of a black, productive male is almost nothing to the court. That is another factor in the coddling of this prisoner. The feminist running dogs totally controlling our legal system today are racists, killing far more black males than the KKK. It took the KKK 100 years to lynch 5000. The KKK was a lawyer and judge founded and controlled fraternal organization. It lynched rich blacks and seized their assets on pretextual grounds. They had absolute protection from the legal system. It is likely that the judges and prosecutors were members and shared in the plunder.
The excess murder rate due to lack of legal protection and legal response is 5000 black males a year. The feminist running dog is 100 times more lethal than the KKK. These feminist running dogs have granted themselves absolute immunity, and generate far more in pointless procedure and $billions in fees, exceeding the plunder of the KKK by many orders of magnitude.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 4, 2011 6:49:51 AM
I do wish I had time to comment, but I'm having an old friend for dinner.
Posted by: Res ipsa | Oct 4, 2011 11:47:27 AM
W H A T I F she outsourced the:
1. Killing (swift and pain free)
2. Butchering (by a journeymen butcher)
3. Cooking (by an executive chef)
Had he died from an aneurysm and THEN steps two and three executed, would there be the same hue and cry for the prisoner's soul ?
Posted by: JAG | Oct 4, 2011 12:22:10 PM
NO, that's incidental. What is the first and principal thing she did? What needs did she serve by killing?
Posted by: Res ipsa | Oct 4, 2011 4:04:12 PM
JAG --
"Had he died from an aneurysm and THEN steps two and three executed, would there be the same hue and cry for the prisoner's soul ?"
No one is interested in her soul. It's her hands that are the problem.
Posted by: Bill Otis | Oct 4, 2011 10:47:41 PM
I agree with previous post
Posted by: Jake | Oct 5, 2011 10:49:23 AM
2nd degree murder this was...Post-modern society we are.
Posted by: adamakis | Oct 7, 2011 12:16:14 PM