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October 5, 2011
What are criminal justice and drug war views of Herman Cain, the new GOP front-runner?
I am intrigued that the GOP field now seems to have a new front-runner in Herman Cain, and this development now has me wondering about Cain's perspective on criminal justice issues and especially the big-federal-government "war on drugs."
I cannot find anything about any criminal justice issues on Cain's website. A quick internet search likewise turned up little; this Think Progress posting links to a video clip in which Cain says that states should be in charge of gun control, but only after he said he was a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights.
I am curious about Cain's criminal justice views in part because, unlike the career politicians who make up most of the rest GOP field, he has no record on this front and probably has not even given much thought to these matters. Also, the undeniable realities of racial skews in the populations most impacted by and most concerned by federal and state criminal justice policies — on issues ranging from crack sentencing to felon disenfranchisement to the death penalty — has me wondering about Cain's perspective on these hot-button matters of crime and punishment.
October 5, 2011 at 01:42 PM | Permalink
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very interesting and informative at all, Thanks for the Post
Posted by: John | Oct 6, 2011 2:58:38 AM
Herman Cain was on Stossell in july and he says he strongly supports the war on drugs.
Posted by: Chris | Oct 25, 2011 8:08:26 PM