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November 3, 2011

Early press reports on the new 21-member Ohio Death Penalty Task Force

As I suggested in this prior post, I do not plan to blog too much about the work I am now starting to do as a member of the new 21-member Joint Task Force to Review the Administration of Ohio’s Death Penalty. But, in part because our meetings are public meetings and are likely to generate some press coverage, I will make an effort to blog about others' reports on the work of the Task Force.  And, with the first meeting having taken place today, I can now report and link these effective press reports:

November 3, 2011 at 05:16 PM | Permalink


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I think some bloggers on SP should be on this task force.

Posted by: DaveP | Nov 3, 2011 6:44:49 PM

Just Another Guy.
I attended the meeting.
I'm glad that I went.
I was curious as to whether a person or a committee chose Judge Brogan for chair.

I today satisfied that courtesy with a phone call and learned that apparently Chief Justice O'Connor asked Judge Brogan to chair.

In my lay opinion:
1) The Chief made an excellent decision by asking;
2) Judge Brogan made an excellent decision by accepting.

Over the last sixty years I have met many "judges" at ALL levels from former justices of the peace to justices and chief justices of our supreme court.

In my experienced opinion, I predict that with Judge Brogan as Captain of the Ship, the Joint Task Force will accomplish its assigned mission with performance that may be described as "well done" when it finishes.

PS-1 I had the opportunity to briefly chat with the judge after the meeting.

☺ He is an attorney I would NOT want cross-examining ME ☺.

In my non-medical opinion, he is sharp as a 28ga needle and although a youngster at 72; definitely not in the set of folks whose mind has self-destructed at the arbitrary age of 70-76.
Although I took notes, I have a hearing loss and did not clearly hear all.

I have intentionally refrained from commenting on discussions; because I have agreed to pass a draft to the blog owner, to minimize opportunity of me misstating, based on my mishearing a task member.

Nemo Me ☺ Impune Lacessit
2011-11-04 T1331 -0400

Posted by: JAG | Nov 4, 2011 1:34:28 PM

Is there a single defense attorney who has handled a capital case on this task force?

Posted by: mmk | Nov 4, 2011 2:40:31 PM

I would like it if the task force were to consider how the death penalty might impact the available resources that could otherwise be allocated to non-capital innocence claims.

Posted by: Pendulum | Nov 5, 2011 3:38:27 AM

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