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December 14, 2011
"Check Out Lindsay Lohan's Praiseworthy Probation Report!"
The title of the post is the headline of this "Exclusive" from E! Online, which gets started this way:
We heard the glowing details, now read them for yourself!
E! News has exclusively obtained a copy of Lindsay Lohan's probation reports, the documents that resulted in Judge Stephanie Sautner heaping praise on the actress in court this morning.
So what do they say? Among other things, that Lindsay has so far ponied up $100 of her $3,900 legal bill, leaving her with a balance of $3,800 (odd though it may seem, she's right on time — the report notes that the starlet is on a payment plan of $100 per month).
It also echoed what Sautner said in court today: Lohan has made good on the terms of her probation thus far, completing five sessions with a therapist and logging 120 hours of community service at the morgue.
Because this is an E! News exclusive, I won't link to the report directly, but instead encourage LiLo fans to click through to the E! Online site. The three-page report is not much of a read, though it appears on page one of the report that Lohan's $3,900 obligation is technically a "fine" not a "legal bill."
December 14, 2011 at 03:30 PM | Permalink
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Maybe just another example of unequal treatment under the law and praise for the unworthy?
Posted by: counterpoint | Dec 14, 2011 7:15:29 PM
So she's apparently showing up at the morgue as ordered for her community service. Why again, is that considered less "punishment" than jail?
Posted by: Gritsforbreakfast | Dec 15, 2011 12:36:04 PM
might also be an indication that the court has realized the rest of the world is tired of hearing about all this stupidity and WASTED limited tax dollars over a couple of minor charges what 5-6 YEARS LATER!
That the court and media have beat this horse to DEATH and it's now time to find a new one! Maybe barry bonds or the other jocks how are now in the limelight will be the NEW ONE!
Posted by: rodsmith | Dec 16, 2011 1:47:45 AM