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December 28, 2011
Intriguing list of "Ten Most Significant Criminal Justice Stories of 2011"
Over at The Crime Report, this new special report sets forth a list of "The Ten Most Significant Criminal Justice Stories of 2011." Here is part of the set up authored by Stephen Handelman, Executive Editor of The Crime Report, and then just the list without the accompanying descriptions:
What we want to celebrate and take note of — more than anything else — are developments in criminal justice policy, practice and theory that challenge preconceptions and break new ground; and that are worth following up in 2012. Lists are inevitably subjective. Your list may be different from ours — and that’s fine. We want to hear your comments, suggestions, ideas — and criticism.
Some of our choices cover ideas and approaches begun years before--but for one reason or another showed special promise or produced interesting and replicable results in 2011. Many of the programs that attracted headlines or commentary this year in fact had their roots in the paradigm-busting ideas of a few hardy thinkers as much as a decade ago.
One final note, which we can’t over-emphasize: this list includes notable accomplishments on both the left and the right of the spectrum: we honor both the Right on Crime movement begun by conservatives and new civil rights activism by Eric Holder’s Justice Department — underlining The Crime Report’s rigorous non-partisanship.
1. Right on Crime
2. Eyewitness ID
3. Hawaii HOPE experiment
4. Non-incarceration interventions utilized by San Francisco
5. Changing rape definition
6. Think Outside the Cell
7. New Media In Criminal Trials
8. DOJ Website crimesolutions.gov
9. Revival of US DOJ civil rights division
10. Justice Realignment (California)
As is the case with most "Top 10" lists, I find some of these choices compelling and others curious. In my view, the biggest omission is the decline in the nation's imprisoned population for the first time in many decades (which is also taking place at the same time as a continue decline in crime rates).
December 28, 2011 at 12:09 PM | Permalink
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FBI revised definition of rape:
Acts no mater how slight, without prior consent...
This is in context of what I read the day Blago was sentenced somewhere..
Have to be kidding....Has to be a lot more behind the scenes to support this.
Everyone in America would be guilty almost daily of having sex with their significant other. Including the FBI and presumeably Obama and Holder...
Posted by: Josh2 | Dec 28, 2011 2:01:19 PM
How about |Mass Murderers and the Insanity/Incompetence Defence Worldwide| (excluding Mexico and the uncivilized world)?
Norway's Breivik wounded 151 and murdered 77 by gun and by bomb; America's Loughner shot 19 and murdered 6.
--} Breivik has heretofore been found "criminally insane," "suffering from psychosis," and fit only for "three-year terms of psychiatric care that can be extended for as long as necessary."
--} Loughner's ""major mental illness" leaves him so delusional and psychotic that he is incompetent to stand trial, [said] a federal judge"" who "agreed with the conclusion of the psychiatrist and psychologist".
Loughner's "Findings of mental incompetency have so far kept [him], charged in the shopping center shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, almost a year ago, from standing trial."
Posted by: Adamakis | Dec 28, 2011 2:41:58 PM