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March 8, 2012

Two more executions in Arizona and Texas

Readers with good memories may recall that Arizona and Texas closed out February with a pair of executions (as reported in this post).  Now, as the following headlines and stories report, these two states have also been the first to conduct executions in March:

Despite the efforts by these two states, the United States is still on pace for a relatively low number of executions in 2012 unless and until Ohio and perhaps a few other states get back into the execution business.

March 8, 2012 at 06:29 PM | Permalink


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Actually you cant forecast a trend until at the end of this month. Even if OH doesnt start back up, FL, MS, and AL will more than make up for OH. There's lttle chance, barring a complete lack drugs later this year, there will be less executions this year. 14 killers could be executed by the end of March. 11 were executed by this time in 2011. Just the facts.

Posted by: DeanO | Mar 9, 2012 11:07:59 AM

Given the ongoing problems with the drug supply and the half-decade long moratorium in some states it wouldn't surprise me if there were even fewer executions this year than last. Executions, rather than credible legal issues or popular opposition, stay most executions now.

Posted by: MikeinCT | Mar 9, 2012 3:39:21 PM

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