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March 19, 2012
Video preview of Jackson and Miller Eighth Amendment cases
As repeatedly mentioned recently, the Supreme Court is due to hear oral argument tomorrow in Jackson v. Hobbs and Miller v. Alabama, the two cases concerning the constitutionality of sentencing a 14-year-old killer to life without parole. The crackerjack folks here at the OSU Moritz College of Law has put together this video preview of the case (in which you can see me magically placed in front of the US Supreme Court while I discuss the basic jurisprudential issues in Jackson and Miller and also this amicus brief that I put together along with a group of my students for these cases).
Some recent related posts providing previews of Jackson and Miller cases:
- Basic background on Jackson and Miller, the new SCOTUS juve LWOP cases
- Briefs available, and jurisprudential challenges clear, in Jackson and Miller JLWOP cases
- Notable early prediction on what SCOTUS will do with juve LWOP in Jackson and Miller
- "The Lives of Juvenile Lifers: Findings from a National Survey"
- Taking stock of Michigan's interests in JLWOP issues before SCOTUS
- Lots of media coverage anticipating SCOTUS arguments on JLWOP
March 19, 2012 at 06:27 PM | Permalink
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