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April 24, 2012
Notable new website on ""McCleskey v. Kemp: 25 Years Later"
I just tripped across this notable new website titled "McCleskey v. Kemp: 25 Years Later" which has lots of materials and advocacy related to the Supreme Court's most important ruling on race and capital punishment back in 1987. Among lots of materials of note on the site is this link to the oral argument recording in McCleskey (and the recording is notable for how relatively "cold" the SCOTUS bench was back then).
It is difficult to figure out exactly who is "running" this site, though the cite lists as "Site Partners" a long list of the most prominent public policy groups that have been working to abolish the death penalty. In addition, the site seems to be maintained by someone who works for the Equal Justice Society. Here are links to some of the recent new posts on the site:
April 24, 2012 at 05:42 PM | Permalink
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