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April 28, 2012
"Prison Officials Go After Masturbating Prisoners"
The title of this post is the headline of this local article from Connecticut discussing a bill being considered by state lawmakers. Here are the details:
Prison officials in Connecticut want lawmakers to pass a bill that would label inmates who commit lewd acts in their cells, including masturbation, as sex offenders. It's an ongoing problem at prisons. In 2011, 94 inmates committed 390 indecent exposure violations of this type, according to the bill.
At the high-security Northern Correctional Institution, some inmates masturbate in front of staff, often a female staff member, a Correction Department spokesman said. Lisamarie Fontano, president of the union representing prison workers, said more than 500 such incident reports were written up at Northern last year.
Internal discipline hasn't deterred the behavior, but she believes inmates will stop if they know they will have to register as a sex offender when they leave prison, Fontano said.
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April 28, 2012 at 12:03 PM | Permalink
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All they have to do is get young looking recuruits to say they are minors and they can charge them as pedophiles.
I know, not worth the Captcha trouble.
Posted by: Anon | Apr 28, 2012 1:23:28 PM
Let's just mark EVERYBODY as a sex offender to justify the existence of the goverment. They have to prove they are not to participate in society. Let's waste more goverment resources! Are you idiots for real!??! You lock these people up for longer and longer sentences, take away there relationships by placing them in ADSEG, and give them no rehabilitation what do you expect?
I am a student and would have to fight for the rights of the accused because prosecutorial discresition is to lock everyone up to further the procesutors career, not thinking about the after effects upon society.
Posted by: D.Cahail | Apr 28, 2012 1:25:28 PM
Well, to be fair, what is a sex offense in the community would also be a sex offense in the prison. However, punishment has always been handled differently. In prison, it had always been handled administratively, as opposed to criminally. So to be frank, I don't have any problems with this legislation, AT FACE VALUE.
However, it must be noted that the zealous nature of how the law is being created is the aspect of REGISTRATION, and NOT the aspect of CRIMINAL PUNISHMENT. It is as if registration is considered the GREATER punishment, especially among the prisoners. However, this also adds another point that will enable registration opponents such as myself to show that registration is beyond its regulatory purpose, and now has spectacularly shown itself to be punitive, which Smith v. Doe has stated it wasn't.
MOST people would consider registration as punishment, which in fact invalidates its legality. Now, most people don't have a problem with calling it punishment, but they may also not be aware that it's unconstitutional to that end. The bottom line is that sex offenders are, for the most part, destitute (over 70% are below poverty level) and have no access to legal mechanisms other than the goodness of the ACLU or other benevolent agencies. This is key.
Posted by: Eric Knight | Apr 28, 2012 1:46:34 PM
And the award for most unfortunately-worded headline goes to....
Posted by: Guy | Apr 28, 2012 2:07:49 PM
Goddam fly, I'll show you what's what. See this shotgun. BLAM! BLAM!
Posted by: justmeagain | Apr 28, 2012 2:37:14 PM
Guy --
Crack me up one time.
Posted by: Bill Otis | Apr 28, 2012 3:39:15 PM
What is it they want to outlaw, "gratification" or public gratification, which may already be "something?"
Posted by: Stanley Feldman | Apr 28, 2012 4:16:41 PM
justmeagain - Goddam fly, I'll show you what's what. See this shotgun. BLAM! BLAM!
Are you lost or are you a real live e-thug?
Posted by: Fly | Apr 28, 2012 6:12:39 PM
Rape is a huge problem in most prisons (and is quietly tolerated by the DOC). So naturally, it's a good idea to legislate against masturbation. What a bunch of fucking idiots.
Posted by: dm | Apr 28, 2012 8:42:13 PM
If I were a prisoner, I would file charges against the female guards for peeping, and disturbing the peace. In high security prison, sex offender registration is a joke or a source of greater peer esteem. However, registration may end the career of a prison guard.
The better remedy for high security prisoner misconduct is the lash to within an inch of the life of the offender.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Apr 28, 2012 10:05:27 PM
i was thinking the same thing SC what are females doing watching males in the first place! i'm doubt you find many male guards in a FEMALE prison!
seems to me THEY are the ones who should be charged!
Posted by: rodsmith | Apr 28, 2012 11:07:21 PM
Fly meet sledgehammer.
Posted by: federalist | Apr 29, 2012 9:14:02 AM
this would make perfect sense if i ever get my erika's icky perv island concept off the ground as assuring a steady flow of victims, i mean profit centers - i mean dangerous icky pervs who need to be isolated from society to protect children.
erika :)
Posted by: Erika | May 10, 2012 4:14:43 PM
I work at a male penitentiary, but I am not security. I work at the store which is called commissary. I do not agree with males being able to masturbate at all, not only bc I am a female. I sometimes have to delivery commissary to ADSEG or other inmates.. I have had times where an inmate in the cell next to where I'm delivering to sticks his penis out of the cell between the bars masturbating towards me telling me he wants to fuck me.. You think that's ok!? That's sick! And someone like that needs to be somewhere where no one can come in contact w them or see ppl on a daily basis. That is not normal at all. Problem is.. I write a case on the inmate and his max sentence date is a month after this situation happened so no matter how many jacking off cases he does, he still goes home the next month.. Shouldn't I be able to press charges? It's ridiculous and unacceptable!!
Posted by: KChamp | Feb 12, 2013 6:10:21 PM
@Erika: if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.. or better yet, if you can't handle the skeet, get out of the prison! Caged men will tend to behave like animals.. so I blame YOU as a female for making sexually aggressive worse. What do you expect your presence to do?! Make yourself useful and start giving HJ's instead of just staring!
Posted by: Bryan | Jul 19, 2017 12:21:36 PM