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May 10, 2012

New Jersey prosecutors request (some but not max) prison time for Dharun Ravi's webcam crimes

As reported in this local article, local prosecutors in New Jersey in a sentencing filing today "portrayed Dharun Ravi as callous and unrepentant — displaying little concern that his roommate might have committed suicide — in recommending the former Rutgers student serve prison time for a hate crime conviction in a webcam spying trial that captivated the nation."  Here is more about the filing:

In court documents filed Thursday, the state, on behalf of Clementi and M.B., seeks prison time for Ravi — although not the maximum 10-year sentence that he faces.

In making their case for incarceration, prosecutors sought to contrast the image portrayed last week in a filing by defense attorneys in which they submitted letters from Ravi’s friends that characterized him as considerate and helpful....

First Assistant Middlesex County Prosecutor Julia McClure wrote in the papers filed in state Superior Court in New Brunswick ... that “defendant has failed to accept any degree of responsibility for the numerous criminal acts he committed, and shows no remorse for same, despite significant evidence pointing directly at him.”

The full 14-page sentencing memorandum submitted by prosecutors is available at this link.

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May 10, 2012 at 11:21 PM | Permalink


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The second page of the story:

"Simply put, what is being sought is merely what the New Jersey sentencing statutes and relevant case law mandate and the facts in this matter demand: a period of imprisonment which is in proportion to the multiple crimes committed by the defendant Dharun Ravi and for which he was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by the trial jury,”

No set amount, it says. Maybe the 14 page report clarifies a bit. Okay. What is the bottom line here? Is six months enough? What?

Posted by: Joe | May 11, 2012 11:10:53 AM

Moreover, it lowers the cholesterol level.

Posted by: phoenix medical marijuana card | May 15, 2012 12:27:50 PM

If he is guilty of the crimes and he's not repentant at all, then the sentence is just right for him.

Posted by: job agencies Brisbane | May 16, 2012 9:37:53 PM

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