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August 10, 2012

ABA Journal looking for nominations for its Blawg 100

I received via e-mail this request from the ABA Journal:

We're working on our annual list of the 100 best legal blogs, and we'd like your advice on which blawgs you think we should include.

Use the form at this link to tell us about a blawg ... that you read regularly and think other lawyers should know about.  Or if you don't have particular blawgs in mind but think blawgs from a certain practice areas should be represented in the Blawg 100, you can use this form to let us know. 

Send us a separate message for each blawg you want to support.  We may include some of the best comments in our Blawg 100 coverage. But keep your remarks pithy — you have a 500-character limit. 

Friend-of-the-blawg briefs are due no later than 7 p.m. ET on Friday, Sept. 7, 2012 [and] by all means tell your readers about Blawg 100 Amici and invite them to send us messages....

August 10, 2012 at 12:50 PM | Permalink


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In the body of your email, please indicate if you are a professor, student, prosecutor, defense attorney, etc. so I can gain a sense of who is reading my blog. Thank you, DAB