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October 11, 2012

Is there any chance for any crime and punishment discussion at tonight's VP debate?

In this post before last week's dog-fight in Denver between the Prez candidates, I correctly predicted that there would no be a single question focused on criminal justice issues (despite the reality that a significant portion of federal government spending and a massive portion of state government spending is devoted to these big government programs).  Tonight's scheduled contest in Kentucky between the VP candidates seems pretty sure to follow the same script.  (That said, a variation of Murphy's Law might suggest that there will be lots of crime and punishment talk because I will not be able to watch the debate while traveling this evening out to California to participate in this great event at Loyola Law School.)

In this prior post and in many others, I have already detailed some of the federal criminal justice questions I would love to hear asked of all the candidates this season.  Perhaps readers will join in my (futile?) debate game by adding some queries of interest on these topics via the comments.

A few recent and older related posts: 

October 11, 2012 at 06:19 PM | Permalink


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Prof. Berman: Nightmare meeting, more frightening than a Halloween Haunted House. A collection of uniformly pro-criminal, biased, horrible feminists, and their male running dogs. None will tell the truth about the superiority of brain function and performance, of morality of adolescents. None will tell the truth, adolescent are adults. The vile feminist lawyer has infantalized the adult adolescent, at the point of a gun, by forcing the adolescent into that baby sitting service, high school, rather than entering the real world, as was done for the past 10,000 years. Then calls the vicious adolescent predator immature, and less culpable. None will point out the self evident result of this superiority, a lower crime rate than those in their twenties and thirties, more like the crime rates of old people. Nightmare, upside down, Twilight Zone experience.

Get out of it as soon as possible for this more useful, law related LA experience. Go to Venice, the Boardwalk. Every block has a marijuana clinic. Have an exam. Tell the truth about any condition you have, see if you come out with a prescription for marijuana for $40. I doubt there is any human being on earth that fails to qualify for the script. Apparently, there are different kinds of marijuana, matched to conditions, such a glaucoma, back pain, etc.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 12, 2012 12:48:55 AM

If there is going to be a question on crime or mention of crime (I didn't hear any last night but hard to avoid tuning out the amount of data spinning in the past two debates), it will probably come in the town hall format of the second presidential debate when the public asks the questions. Given the budget, health care, and the economy, it doesn't seem like the media thinks that there are any other important domestic issues (other than abortion/culture wars). As the moderators picked the topics for the first presidential debate and the vice-presidential debate, crime did not make their top 8-10 list.

Posted by: TMM | Oct 12, 2012 4:45:31 PM

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