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October 5, 2012
"Prominent Republicans in Washington state, Colorado endorse legal pot"
The title of this post is the headline of this notable new Reuters piece. Here are excerpts:Some recent and older related posts:Ballot measures to legalize marijuana in Washington state and Colorado gained support this week from a pair of prominent Republicans -- U.S. Senate candidate Michael Baumgartner and former Representative Tom Tancredo -- who could help sway conservative voters.
No state has ever legalized marijuana for recreational use. The federal government considers it an illegal drug, but 17 states and the District of Columbia allow it as medicine.
Baumgartner, the Republican challenger to Washington state's Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell, said in a phone interview the state initiative, which would allow the sale of marijuana to people 21 and older at state-sanctioned stores, is a "thoughtful way forward."...
Tancredo, who served five terms in the House of Representatives from 1999 to 2009, this week endorsed the legalization campaign in Colorado. He argued government should not interfere with people's choice to use pot.
In Oregon, a third state where voters this November will decide whether to allow recreational use of pot, the campaign has struggled to find big name Republican supporters.
Legalization opponent Kevin Sabet, a former adviser to the Obama administration's drug policy director, disputed the argument of many libertarians that government should not interfere in pot use by people. "The libertarian argument is fundamentally flawed because drug use does not affect just the individual, it affects healthcare costs, criminal justice costs that we see with a legal drug like alcohol and costs to our highway safety," Sabet said.
- Prominent conservative Tom Tancredo supporting marijuana legalization initiative in Colorado
- When and how might pot prohibition or federal pot policy enter the 2012 Prez campaign?
- VP candidate Paul Ryan says states should have right to legalize medical marijuana
- "Drugs, Dignity and Danger: Human Dignity as a Constitutional Constraint to Limit Overcriminalization"
- New astute articles on the modern realities of pot politics, policies and practices
- Colorado the new "ground zero" for debates over pot prohibitions and policies
- Latest Colorado poll showing majority support for marijuana legalization ballot initiative
- "Medical Marijuana in Colorado and the Future of Marijuana Regulation in the United States"
- NAACP gets behind marijuana legalization inititative in Colorado
- A Beastly articulation of my (foolish?) hope candidate Romney might embrace the Right on Crime movement
- Marijuana legalization advocate getting warm reception at CPAC
- "Bummer: Barack Obama turns out to be just another drug warrior"
October 5, 2012 at 11:34 AM | Permalink
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NO, NO. Tancredo and Baumgartner are hacks. Join Bill Otis and me and keep marijuana illegal. We know marijuana makes users "dopey." Keep money from marijuana sales flowing to me and my family and friends--do not hurt small (large) business. Please. Use common sense. Fight legalization.
Posted by: Pablo Miranda Escobar | Oct 5, 2012 1:33:04 PM
Pablo --
Give it a rest. You're a one trick pony who really needs another trick. Maybe you could start talking about how we should make murder legal as well, since you do quite a bit of it.
Posted by: Bill Otis | Oct 5, 2012 2:11:30 PM
\\ We know marijuana makes users "dopey." //
So does high altitude. At least Al Gore esteems this as the cause of President Obama's Denver debate impotence.
Posted by: Adamakis | Oct 5, 2012 3:02:51 PM