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October 7, 2012
Upcoming Sandusky sentencing generates little suspense, but lots of stories
Jerry Sandusky is scheduled to face sentencing this Tuesday. At this stage, the case holds has seemingly limited suspense; I cannot imagine this serial child molester now could or would get anything less than a functional (if not an actual) life sentence. Still, the high-profile nature of the defendant and his crimes ensures that there will be plenty of press stories about the sentencing. For example, here are some stories from the AP and UPI appearing in many papers today:
"Sandusky jurors plan to attend sentencing; some hoping former Penn State assistant gets life"
"What Jerry Sandusky can expect in prison after his sentencing set for Tuesday"
October 7, 2012 at 12:16 PM | Permalink
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I am not a Penn State alum. However, the treatment of Joe Paterno, and of the University was totally inappropriate, unfair, and likely illegal. No one blamed was a mandated reporter of child abuse. There is no duty to report crime, nor even to rescue crime victims.
The Board of Trustees that hired that lawyer Freeh must all resign. This is the internal traitor that should have been arrested, tried and executed for allowing 9/11 to take place, due to political correctness and love of Muslims. The role of the lawyer profession as the primary factor in 9/11 has been completely covered up by the lawyer dominated 9/11 Commission. But Freeh was a major factor in this attack on our nation due to his lawyer values and sicko beliefs in appeasement. Freeh now laid out the road map to the tort litigators coming to Penn State like the locust.
Then all the punishment doled out affected only innocent students, faculty, and staff, since all cost and penalties will be passed on to them. I would engage in a scorched earth campaign against the NCAA, a corrupt, syndicate. I would seek its destruction before allowing to harm the university.
A criminal victimizes likely hundreds of kids, most of which are unknown. He had innumerable foster kids in his home. He is kept alive by the lawyer criminal cult enterprise. Now, his criminal acts are pretexts to plunder the productive males of Penn State, by feminist lawyers and their male running dogs.
If there is news in this story, it going untold. The vile feminist lawyer protects the criminal from the death penalty in his teens. Then comes around to collect ruinous penalties from an entity that has nothing to do with his criminality.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 7, 2012 7:19:49 PM
Bad Pennsylvania law is about to be passed from this case. The vile feminist lawyer and its male running dogs in the legislature want to make all adults mandated reporters in Pennsylvania of child abuse, with heavy fines and long prison terms for failing to snitch on your neighbor correct his child.
In Delaware the vile feminist lawyer has already passed this law, with a $10,000 fine for a first failure to report, and $50,000 for a second offense. All adults are mandated reporters in Delaware.
And what are example of child abuse? Corporal punishment is basically banned. Derogatory remarks are now classified as emotional abuse. So, "Stop acting like a fool, you are embarrassing me in the store," must be reported by the dozens of shoppers within ear shot. OK. So no more derogatory remarks. Just ignore the child throwing things around and attacking people. Do not criticize this little monster. Walk away. Now ignoring a child is called "emotional neglect" and must also be reported by the dozen shoppers nearby.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Oct 7, 2012 7:28:39 PM