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November 21, 2012

Holiday reading for sentencing fans in Harvard Law Review SCOTUS issue

The Harvard Law Review's annual Supreme Court review issue is now available here on line, and there are at least three pieces that should be of special interest to sentencing fans.

Professor Stephanos Bibas has this comment on Lafler v. Cooper and Missouri v. Frye which is titled "Incompetent Plea Bargaining and Extrajudicial Reforms." In addition, the HLR staff has case comments labelled "Factfinding in Sentencing for Criminal Fines: Southern Union Co. v. United States" and "Mandatory Juvenile Life Without Parole: Miller v. Alabama."

November 21, 2012 at 09:50 AM | Permalink


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Volokh Conspiracy cited this review issue and included links to two replies.

Posted by: Joe | Nov 22, 2012 11:40:51 AM

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