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March 10, 2013

Upcoming symposium at Gerogetown on "Reducing Corporate Criminality"

I was so very pleased that my post here about the fantastic Missouri Law Review symposium in which I participated this past Friday prompted a member of the American Criminal Law Review at Georgetown University Law Center to send me news of another exciting (and free) criminal justice symposium taking place in DC this coming week. Here is the heart of the note about this symposium sent my way:

Your readers may be interested in our symposium next week: "Reducing Corporate Criminality: Evaluating Department of Justice Policy on the Prosecution of Business Organizations and Options for Reform."

Though our symposium is not specifically about sentencing issues, it is likely to be highly relevant to your readership in both public interest and white collar defense practices.  Our goal is to focus on issues facing current practitioners in addition to the traditional theoretical debates found in law reviews.  The symposium on March 15, 2013 will include four panels centered on (1) the evolution of DOJ guidelines on prosecuting business organizations; (2) a presentation on empirical evidence of trends in wrongdoing within business organizations; (3) suggested reforms to DOJ policy governing corporate prosecution; and (4) the effects of DOJ policy on the regulated entities.

More information (including the schedule of these panels and the terrific line-up of speakers) can be found here at this link.

As this post is intended to highlight, I am always eager to note and promote any and all criminal justice events that might be of interest to sentencing fans.  Consequently, as my schedule and energy permits, I will post news of any such event if details are sent my way.  And, when folks fo an effective job of providing me with blog-friendly, cut-and-paste-ready text about the event, it will often be much easier for my schedule and energy to facilitate posting and promotion.

March 10, 2013 at 12:10 PM | Permalink


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Data, I'd like to go to this.

As for the goal, they could start to prosecute criminal executives and corporations, putting the execs in the can for long periods, forfeiting their assets, and imposing serious, market-impact fines that are more than cost of business expenses. There have been no, zero, zip prosecutions of the too-big-to-fail Banksters who trashed the economy this time around. Elizabeth Warren has been great on this. Bush II's Justice Department put more big shots in the slam(e.g. Skilling, Ebbers) and instituted lore meaningful legal reform (SOX) than Obama's.

Justin Schwartz, Esq.

Posted by: Justin Schwartz | Mar 10, 2013 12:36:05 PM

Mr. Schwartz: I agree, but start with the real kingpins, such as gay, Harvard Law grad, Barney Frank, and that gangbanger head of Fannie Mae. They threatened the charters of banks if they refused to lend to totally irresponsible black people. The banks made lemonade of lemons forced into their mouths by this lawyer criminal syndicate. They bundled the loans and foisted them on Europeans, saving Americans a lot of grief.

Underwriters would sit in rented hotel meeting rooms, say, this black borrower does not qualify for this loan. The roaming supervisor replied, sign it or get a job elsewhere. Why? To survive the threat to their existence by the lawyer. The lawyer traitor caused the economic crisis, 100%. The banks were the victims of the Democratic party thug lawyer such as Barney Frank.

I am prepared to draft a constitutional amendment to end the tyranny of the lawyer profession.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Mar 11, 2013 4:47:44 AM

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