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April 17, 2013
Two big significant states perhaps on track join growing ranks legalizing medical marijuana
As I have hinted in prior posts, I think it could become a very big deal if (and when?) a majority of US states have formally legalized medical marijuana — especially if (and when?) a number of jurisdictions have also legalized recreational marijuana use and the majority of Americans become accustomed to seeing legitimate "pot shops" in their communities. Consequently, these new stories today strike me as especially notable and significant:
From Illinois here, "Illinois House Approves Use of Medical Marijuana"
From New York here, "State senator: Clear majority backs legalizing medical marijuana"
From Washington DC here, "D.C. Marijuana Poll: Majority Of Residents Support Decriminalizing, Legalizing Pot"
April 17, 2013 at 06:18 PM | Permalink
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The links for IL and NY seem to be swapped.
Posted by: Kathy Manley | Apr 18, 2013 12:54:51 PM