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May 29, 2013
"Colorado governor signs recreational marijuana regulations into law"
The title of this post is the headline of this new Reuters article, which gets started this way:Governor John Hickenlooper on Tuesday signed into law measures to regulate the recreational use of marijuana in Colorado, including blood-level limits for motorists and setting up a voter referendum to impose a tax on the non-medical sale of cannabis.
Colorado House of Representatives Assistant Majority Leader Dan Pabon said the legislation reflected the "will of the voters" who charged lawmakers with setting up the regulatory system after approving legalization in a vote last November.
One of the bills signed by Hickenlooper calls for a referendum in November on setting a 15 percent excise tax and an additional 10 percent sales tax on marijuana sales.
Other measures included in the legislative package are setting blood limits for driving while under the influence of marijuana at 5 nanograms per milliter, and limiting purchases of marijuana to non-Colorado residents at one-quarter of an ounce.
"The laws ... signed today put the health and safety of our kids front and center," said Pabon, a Democrat. "They drive a stake into the heart of a large black market while creating a regulated, legitimate industry."
House Republican leader Mark Waller, who sponsored the driving-under-the-influence legislation, said Colorado is in "new and foreign territory" in implementing its marijuana laws and it was vital to add a public safety component. "Equipping law enforcement with the tools they need to ensure people make safe decisions behind the wheel is critical to maximizing public safety," he said.
May 29, 2013 at 04:26 PM | Permalink
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If we have the summary execution of the lawyer hierarchy every decade, you will not have to wait until Bill's and my generation die of natural cause. You have heard of the Greatest Generation? We belong to the Most Annoying Generation. The federal government can then join this movement.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | May 30, 2013 1:47:09 AM
"They drive a stake into the heart of a large black market"--Dan Pabon (D)
hope so
Posted by: Adamakis | May 30, 2013 11:53:26 AM
I remember something about being served with a state X subpoena while flying over the state. Query: leaving federal prosecution aside, can I light up --and finish the joint--while flying over Colorado?
Posted by: law student | May 31, 2013 3:42:32 PM
law student --
Nope. You can't smoke anthing in an airplane. Unlike pot laws, they really WILL enforce that one.
Posted by: Bill Otis | May 31, 2013 5:34:56 PM