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December 2, 2013
A must-read issue of the FSU Law Review for sentencing fans
Thanks to being sent a reprint of one article from the Summer 2013 issue of the Florida State University Law Review, I happened to discover that Issue 4 of Volume 40 of this august journal actually has three must-read pieces for sentencing fans. Two of these pieces (one article, one note) concern the Supreme Court's recent Eighth Amendment jurisprudence, and the other provides a proposed solution to one of the thorniest doctrinal problems concerning the federal sentencing guidelines. All three look great, and here are their titles with links in the order they appear within the issue:
- A Quantity-Driven Solution to Aggregate Grouping Under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual by Kevin Bennardo
Strict Scrutiny Under the Eighth Amendment by Ian P. Farrell
Graham's Applicability to Terms-Of-Years Sentences and Mandate to Provide a "Meaningful Opportunity" for Release by Krisztina Schlessel
December 2, 2013 at 06:39 PM | Permalink
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