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January 14, 2014
Clemency's consequences: "Clarence Aaron, almost free"
The title of this post is drawn from the headline of this notable new commentary by Debra Saunders, who is described as the "San Francisco Chronicle's token conservative columnist." Because the piece is so moving (and pretty short), I am reprinting a lot of it:
Last month, President Obama did a good deed commuted the sentence of eight crack cocaine offenders, including Clarence Aaron, a first time nonviolent drug offender sentenced to life without parole. Readers may have thought Aaron would be home by Christmas; instead the Dec. 18 order prompted the Bureau of Prisons to move Aaron to a minimum-security camp [and then to a halfway house].... He is set for supervised release on April 17.
I had been a bit worried about what would happen to Clarence in prison as he awaited release. At first, when he got the news, he didn’t tell other inmates. But it was on TV, and everyone found out. Rather than stoke resentment, his commutation brought hope to inmates who had given up. “The atmosphere of the whole institution, it changed,” Clarence told me. “Everybody was happy… a lot of people walking around with that spark in the eye.”
When he got moved to a minimum-security camp, it was the same thing. “People knew I was coming to the camp before I knew I was coming to the camp.” And: “They were amazed to hear how God’s hand works.”
It was not easy in prison. Clarence faced what was essentially a death sentence — life in prison until he died — among repeat felons serving shorter time. “The first day I got into prison,” Clarence told me, “I said, ‘What put me in this bad position?’” His admittedly criminal actions started with money problems. So he got a job in prison and started saving money. He put together a plan for his future. He studied the Bible, took college courses, followed the rules....
What does Clarence want to do first? His “baby sister” Stephanie died of cancer in 2005. With his mother Linda, Clarence wants to visit her grave. Later he wants to get a job, and get the documents he needs to obtain a driver’s license.
Where does he want to be in five years? He wants a family and he wants to be established with a “meaningful career.” Are you bitter? I ask. He answers: “No, actually I’m not. I’m happy. This is a new day for me. My Commander in Chief gave me a new life.”
January 14, 2014 at 05:10 PM | Permalink
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This is a very nice story. I would like to see how it goes for him in the next year. Perhaps we could have a new update in a year.
Posted by: Liberty1st | Jan 14, 2014 10:37:09 PM
Crack Convict :: " My Commander in Chief "
I had the profound displeasure of serving some Reserve time under this CINC.
Does history record anyone more perfidious?
Posted by: Adamakis | Jan 15, 2014 1:53:59 PM
"Does history record anyone more perfidious?"
I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes.
Another question might be, does the Internet in the last 20 minutes record a statement more hyperbolic? Sadly, though, the answer to that one is probably yes too.
Posted by: anon | Jan 16, 2014 2:23:10 PM