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July 2, 2014
Another round-up of recent posts of note from Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform
The official start of summer does not slow down the array of marijuana developments in states and elsewhere, and here is a collection of recent notable posts from Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform:
Another new chapter for marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington getting underway
How should reform advocates respond to states enacting low-THC marijuana laws?
Bill Clinton on medical marijuana: "I think we should leave it to the states"
So far, no Colorado marijuana stores have been found to have sold to minors
July 2, 2014 at 10:16 AM | Permalink
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This is the best reading list I've seen since the Summer of Loooooove.
Thanks, PotDoc!
Posted by: Cheech | Jul 3, 2014 10:09:19 AM