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September 1, 2014
Lots more highlights from Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform
It has been a few weeks since I did a round-up of recent posts at Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform. Here are some of the latest posts from a a variety of bloggers, with my own little bit of organization added in:
General research and commentary
New research suggest marijuana might help combat Alzheimer's disease
"Leading Anti-Marijuana Academics Are Paid by Painkiller Drug Companies"
"Ending Marijuana Prohibition Must Take a Historical Perspective"
State-specific research and developments
"Washington's Marijuana Legalization Grows Knowledge, Not Just Pot"
California appeals court reaffirms the legality of retail medical marijuana sales
"Come on vacation, leave on probation" says Idaho lawyer about state's pot policy
Campaign 2014 advocacy and developments
Previewing the advocacy battle in Florida over 2014 medical marijuana initiative
Oregon legalization campaign will run at least $2.3 million in TV ads
Special series by Prof Mikos on "The Local Option"
September 1, 2014 at 02:09 PM | Permalink
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Prof. Berman: Save your breath. Nothing will change until the current lawyer hierarchy dies of natural causes, decades from now.
That is why every 20 years, the lot, around 20,000 traitors, should be arrested, get an hour's fair trial, and get a summary death sentence. Take them to the basement of the court and shoot them in the head.
Aside from getting rid of this toxic pestilence, it will highly accelerate the rate of legal progress.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Sep 1, 2014 6:41:17 PM
Posted by: Cheech | Sep 2, 2014 10:27:58 AM