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October 21, 2014

Koch Industries give "major grant" to NACDL to help with indigent defense

I noted in this post back in April that the Koch Brothers have a history of supporting criminal justice reform groups and efforts. That interesting story now has another interesting chapter as evidence by this new press release headlined "NACDL Selected to Receive Significant Grant from Koch Industries, Inc. to Address Nation's Profound Indigent Defense Crisis." Here is how the press release gets started:

The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the nation's preeminent organization advancing the mission of the criminal defense bar to ensure justice and due process for persons accused of crime or wrongdoing, has been selected by Koch Industries, Inc. to receive a major grant in support of NACDL's efforts to address the nation's profound indigent defense crisis.

There are two components to this generous and critical initiative:

  • Significant expansion of access to training through an ambitious combination of scholarship support for indigent defenders, web-based training via the Internet, and targeted on-site training for indigent defense providers who lack adequate resources to provide comprehensive continuing education for line attorneys and supervisors.
  • Examination of state level indigent defense delivery systems in order to ascertain strengths that can be replicated elsewhere as well as weaknesses and the ways in which those can be rectified.

Both components will seek to achieve the goals set forth in the American Bar Association's Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System, which are widely recognized as providing a comprehensive framework for the effective delivery of legal services for the indigent accused.

October 21, 2014 at 05:21 PM | Permalink


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Interesting reminder of strange bedfellows, etc., especially w/r/t libertarian interests and traditional criminal justice liberals.

The actual use of the money, however, appears to be more studies and training, whereas what is actually needed is funding to increase the pay of PDs to be equal to prosecutors, and to get more of them in place to reduce crushing caseloads (not to mention reforms in the substantive criminal law to turn down the spigot of defendants unnecessarily coming into the system in the first place). Funding yet more studies and training programs by national groups is the equivalent of an air war on the public defense crisis. It's probably better than nothing, but fundamentally it is a flawed and limited approach.

Posted by: Anon | Oct 22, 2014 2:18:23 PM

Be careful of the NACDL. They don't assist in all cases for indigents. They are selective even when a clear violation of civil law is evident.

Posted by: Book38 | Oct 24, 2014 10:26:55 AM

THANK YOU Koch Industries for helping the people against corruption. We must try to make prosecutors accountable for their actions and tax payer money.

Posted by: LC in Texas | Jan 1, 2015 10:01:48 PM

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