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November 21, 2014
Ohio and Utah moving forward with distinct fixes for lethal injection drug problems
As reported in this two article, legislatures in Ohio and Utah are taking quite different approaches to the problems poised by the unavailability of some drugs historically used for lethal injection executions. The headlined of these stories highlight the basics:
From the Wall Street Journal here, "Ohio House Passes Bill Shielding Execution Drugmakers: Measure Would Add Layers of Secrecy to Death-Penalty Procedures."
From the Salt Lake Tribune here, "Firing squad executions back on the table in Utah Legislature"
November 21, 2014 at 12:57 AM | Permalink
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So who's cheering? Compromising basic principles of democracy and the spirit of the Constitution is in no-one's interest - especially when it all begins to unravel again. And all to enable the state to kill. Very Christian.
Posted by: peter | Nov 21, 2014 11:34:52 AM
Peter. Not one word about the 15000 murder victims, tortured, raped, then killed, many being little kids just sleeping in their beds when taken from us.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Nov 22, 2014 1:03:07 AM
Only a small number of people are executed, and though fewer have been in recent decades, the number was always small in relation to those who kill, torture, rape and so forth. Those totally against the death penalty like peter is therefore the least of the "more executions" caucus' problem here. Society overall recognizes that truly protecting the well being of children, men and women requires a lot more than executing people be it by needle, gun or gas. Appeals of "what about the victims" aside. This would remain true even if we execute some more via the arbitrary process of pick and choose always in place.
Anyway, some do think execution is "Christian." As Mark Osler, e.g., argues in his book, this comes off to many as wrong. But, this might not be a place to debate religious doctrine.
Posted by: Joe | Nov 22, 2014 11:49:37 AM