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December 3, 2014
Some notable new postings at the Collateral Consequences Resource Center
Busy with end-of-semester activities at the end of a busy semester, I have not been able to keep up lately with my usual review of significant postings from the various websites and blogs linked in my sidebars. But I have still made sure to keep up a "new kid" on the cyber-block, the Collateral Consequences Resource Center, because it covers a bunch of issues not too often discussed in other like fora. And these recent postings seemed especially worth highlighting:
The New Southern Strategy Coalition works on criminal records reform in the South
California’s Proposition 47 and collateral consequences: Part II (reentry and restoration of rights)
Special interests succeed in watering down NJ Opportunity to Compete Act
December 3, 2014 at 07:42 PM | Permalink
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