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February 13, 2015

ACSBlog conducting "symposium on racial inequalities in the criminal justice system"

I just noticed that the ACSBlog early this week kicked off a "two-week symposium on racial inequalities in the criminal justice system" via this post titled "Pervasive Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System." Here are excerpts from this introductory post:

[R]acial inequality in this country remains tightly intertwined with economic inequality, and aspects of the criminal justice system that disadvantage poor people disproportionately disadvantage people of color. There also exists implicit racial bias, if not outright prejudice, in the hearts of some police, prosecutors, judges and jurors which can manifest itself during any phase of a criminal case.

The result is that Americans of color face disadvantages at every stage of the criminal justice system. From arrest to sentencing, obtaining bail to obtaining a lawyer, plea bargaining to jury selection, and even in being put to death, criminal defendants consistently fare better when they are white....

Whether due to racial hatred, implicit bias or economic inequality, there is overwhelming evidence that criminal defendants of color are subjected to a different criminal justice system than white defendants. For the next two weeks, ACSblog and a succession of experts will examine flaws at each stage of the criminal justice system and propose solutions so that the Constitution’s guarantee of equal justice under the law may be realized for every American.

Here are links to the posts in this series that have been published so far:

February 13, 2015 at 07:11 PM | Permalink


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The biggest racial disparity in the criminal law is, of course, the rate of victimization. Black people do not get enough police protection. When an oft beaten wife fires a gun into the ceiling to stop her husband from charging at her, and no injuries result, the lawyer sends her to prison for 20 years.

How horrible can human beings get than these pro-criminal lying propagandists, masking their rent seeking in pious falsehoods. I bet not a single speaker ever mentions the victims of these ultra-violent vicious predators who are getting the advocacy of these lawyer to generate fees. I bet there would be zero tolerance for real advocates of victim rights such as Bill Otis or me.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Feb 14, 2015 7:14:23 PM

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