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March 31, 2015
Another pharmacy group expresses opposition to involvement in executions
As noted in this prior post, last week a trade group for compound pharmacists has discouraged its members from preparing or dispensing drugs for executions. Now, as reported in this new NBC News article, the "American Pharmacists Association voted Monday to oppose participation in executions, declaring that helping put prisoners to death violates the goals and oath of the profession." Here is more about these developments:
Neither policy is binding, but they could dissuade specialty pharmacists — now the only source for lethal injections in many states — from selling their products to prisons for executions. "It adds to the difficulty," said Kent Scheidegger, legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, which supports capital punishment. "It's unfortunate that groups such as this would allow themselves to be dragged into a political dispute."
But Corinna Lain, a professor at the Richmond School of Law, said it has more to do with the bottom line. With just 35 executions across the country last year, lethal injections are not a big profit center. "The cost of these drugs has skyrocketed from something like $83 a vial to $1,200 to $1,500 a vial. But that's still a drop in the bucket for a pharmacy's total sales. And look at the downside — the negative publicity is tremendous. Executions are bad for business for compounding pharmacies for the same reason they were bad for business for the pharmaceutical companies."...
Scheidgger said he hopes that at least a few compounding pharmacies will buck the trade groups and continue to sell their products to prisons until a new source is found. "I expect states will eventually find a supply and this problem will go away," he said.
March 31, 2015 at 09:32 AM | Permalink
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Meaningless drivel from Ivy indoctrinated, Washington based left wing staff. Appalling and inappropriate involvement in political dispute.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Mar 31, 2015 10:31:02 AM
The Supremacy solved this problem long ago, in these comments. Prison Industries. The synthetic chemistry talent within its walls. Make a good profit. Invest it in a generic drug business with high profit margins to be used to upgrade conditions.
Stymie the FDA with injunctions since they are making poisons, not health medications.
Self evident solution is way beyond the ken of the lawyer dumbass, because he is stupid on purpose.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Mar 31, 2015 11:06:37 AM
When complicity is being cited to seek out rights not to be involved even when gay people or health care is burdened, it seems part of the current ethos that this sort of involvement by the medical community will also be seen as problematic. In the first case, there is a duty when involved in the public sphere to not discriminate. Here, I don't think there is an obligation to provide the government the drugs.
I do think push comes to shove that the states with steady executions will find a source for the drugs. Regardless, the concerns are appreciated. The realistic alternative isn't the end of the death penalty though but use of other means such as shooting or inert gas. This might be the lesser wrong as long as there is a death penalty than continuing to use lethal injection.
Posted by: Joe | Mar 31, 2015 11:33:43 AM
Joe. The anonymity is required to prevent violence against pharmacists helping the government keep us safe.
It is time to answer in kind. Change the balance of terror from the public to the criminal and its protectors in the legal profession. These are not even human. They are selfish rent seekers, who do not care about the 5 million victims of violent crime.
Start a list of internal enemies, mostly lawyers, and pro criminal traitors. Warn them. Boycott them. Burn them. Lash them. Then kill them. Then, go after their protected and privileged clients, the vicious predators. Kill them all. To deter.
Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Apr 1, 2015 3:57:09 AM