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March 1, 2015

"The Politics of Botched Executions"

The title of this post is the title of this timely new article by Corinna Lain now available via SSRN.  Here is the abstract:

For decades now, America’s death penalty has been beset by serious problems in its administration, but what has finally gotten the public’s attention is a spate of botched executions in the first half of 2014.  Botched executions are, like the death penalty’s other woes, nothing new. But having to manage the public relations nightmare that has followed these high-profile events is new, and tells a story of its own.  What are the politics of botched executions?  Officials have lowered the blinds so witnesses could not see what was happening inside the execution chamber, called for an “independent review” by other arms of the state, minimized concerns by comparing the execution to the condemned’s crimes, even denied that a botched execution was botched in the first place.

In this symposium contribution, I recount the four botched executions of 2014 and state responses that accompanied them.  I then make three observations — one about states’ fealty to the death penalty, one about backlash politics, and one about the changing cultural construct of lethal injection in the United States.  Finally, I surmise how state responses to botched executions (or the lack thereof) might impact the constitutionality of lethal injection and prove true the old adage about politics making strange bedfellows: the inept executioner may prove to be the abolitionist’s best friend.

March 1, 2015 at 01:19 PM | Permalink


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None were botched. The prisoners were unconscious. They took longer than expected, that is all. Cruel and unusual should require pain.

The infiltration of the injection into tissue instead of into vein, caused a delay in the peak blood levels that would stop the breathing center, covered with a blood brain barrier to resist toxins. I have proposed the remedy of requiring all executioners to take a brief intravenous administration course, with back up supervisors doing the same. I also suggested, they volunteer as EMT's to learn to successfully start IV infusions in the most challenging and difficult of circumstances, such as at the scene of a car crash, in the snow, at night, with victims with bad veins because internal bleeding has collapsed their veins. Do that a few dozen times, and no more mislabeled botched executions. To protect the guards, do not reveal their names, and fully prosecute and sue any news outlet that does, including private blogs. And do not allow any left wing licensing board members to retaliate against any health license they may obtain. Statutes should be passed to enforce these protections.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Mar 2, 2015 12:04:42 AM

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