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May 19, 2015
Some recent posts of note from Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform
I have not recently done in this space a round-up of posts of note from Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform in a few weeks. Here is an abridged listing of MLP&R posts that might be of special interest to sentencing fans:
Disconcerting data show problems and persistence of "racial grass gap" in Chicago
"Marijuana Prohibition Is Unscientific, Unconstitutional, And Unjust"
"Why Washington state is extinguishing medical marijuana" ... while the black market endures
"New Challenge for Police: Finding Pot in Lollipops and Marshmallows"
Pot politics stirring Ohio's political pot as 2015 ballot proposal marches forward
Time magazine devotes cover story to "The Great Pot Experiment"
More on the "ag-tech revolution" being spurred by legalized cannabis crops
Does new Mizzou "right to farm" amendment create a state constitutional right to grow marijuana?
Why the GOP needs to embrace marijuana reform ASAP: "The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally."
May 19, 2015 at 10:16 AM | Permalink
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