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July 3, 2015

If you want to go on gorging on Glossip gossip...

here is still more of the copious commentary one can find as the work week closes on the biggest death penalty ruling of the SCOTUS Term just concluded (listed here only by title/headline as with this prior review, sources and authors varied):

July 3, 2015 at 11:35 AM | Permalink


I agree the death penalty is moribund. It should just be ended because it will never be properly carried out as an effective remedy, in the thousands, with mandatory guidelines, and immediately. People with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) cannot be deterred, only eradicated.

The biggest result of concern to the freaks reading this blog will be a massive loss of tax sucking parasite income when death penalty appellate lawyers and judges are fired, as no longer needed.

The second effect will be a surge in prison murders as the death penalty goes underground.

There will be a similar surge in murders on the street. Police will be discouraged from vigorous invetigations, and many criminals will meet their fates on the street. The biggest burden from this change will fall on black people, on black victims. This effect is already seen in a lot of inner cities.

Technology, as in 100% of legal matters, will be the answer. The lawyer's stupidity has caused all legal remedies to be in failure, save one, rent seeking. Technology will produce a genetic test for ASPD, and crime will go away in 100 years from today.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 3, 2015 12:08:56 PM

It will be a delicious irony. The murders in and out of prison will surge to numbers far exceeding all death penalties in history each year. The dispatch of the murder victims, mostly criminals and addicts, will involve acts of butchery more gruesome than an Isis beheading. The suffering will be for hours and far more intensive in many cases not for a minute as with an Isis beheading.

Thank the lawyer for the agonizing deaths of their clients, in the thousands, and not in the dozens as is the case today.

Posted by: Supremacy Claus | Jul 3, 2015 9:24:15 PM

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