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April 7, 2016

In praise of my Ohio State students and their research on marijuana law, policy and reform

Regular readers are familiar with my periodic collecting of posts from my Marijuana Law, Policy and Reform blog.  Today, however, I have the pleasure of collecting and praising the posts which have been done in recent weeks by my Ohio State College of Law seminar students in that space as they make class presentations on an array of fascinating topics:

April 7, 2016 at 03:57 PM | Permalink


My name is Brenda Spangler I'm a concerened Mother. My son was caught in ohio with marijuana and was sentenced to five yrs flat in ohio state penitentiary. He was never in any kind of trouble before in his life. How is this fair in September he will have served four of his five years.I just wish there was someway I could get him home to his children and family. Thank you..

Posted by: Brenda Spangler | Apr 28, 2016 10:18:07 AM

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